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Need Help Placing Objects Just Outside of Towns


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So, I'm trying to make a mod which adds a secret entrance to Riften. Using the Creation Kit, I placed a door (porthole type) INSIDE the city, just outside the Thieves Guild entrance, in the corner near the walls. Then I placed another door right on the other side of the walls and linked them together. The doors work but the problem is that the door that's OUTSIDE the city is actually still in the Riften World Space. That is, when I use the door INSIDE the city, it teleports you to the other side of the walls, but you're not actually in the Wilderness; the city gates don't have a backside and such. I sorta knew this would happen because, when I was placing the second door, I noticed that it was still in the Riften cell, even though it was outside the walls, but I don't know what to do about it.


Now, I know it should be possible to place the door just outside the walls and have it be in the Wilderness because, well, you can leave the city and walk right up to the walls, right?


Tl:dr; how do I placed door just outside of city walls?

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In the cell view window, select "Tamriel" from the dropdown menu and then find Riften in the cell list. Bethsoft puts everything within the walls of the city in a separate worldspace to maintain performance. Everything that is outside the walls is in the Tamriel worldspace, everything inside is in the Riften worldspace.
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