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Simple Creation Kit Usage


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I'm still a little new with the whole console concept, I've tried every variant of gameplay and settings in the console and can't seem to come across anything. I tried narrowing by typing help health, but i only got a list of items with regeneration enchants. Can you narrow it down a little more? Sorry for the persistance, I really am working on modding in general and this seems like a fun way to start.
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I'm still a little new with the whole console concept, I've tried every variant of gameplay and settings in the console and can't seem to come across anything. I tried narrowing by typing help health, but i only got a list of items with regeneration enchants. Can you narrow it down a little more? Sorry for the persistance, I really am working on modding in general and this seems like a fun way to start.


The commands you're after are:


player.getav healrate

player.modav healrate amount


Check your current healrate value with getav, add or subtract to or from it with modav.

There are also more commands to alter the value, like forceav or setav...


Find previously used console commands by hitting the Up key on your keyboard.

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I'm still a little new with the whole console concept, I've tried every variant of gameplay and settings in the console and can't seem to come across anything. I tried narrowing by typing help health, but i only got a list of items with regeneration enchants. Can you narrow it down a little more? Sorry for the persistance, I really am working on modding in general and this seems like a fun way to start.


The commands you're after are:


player.getav healrate

player.modav healrate amount


Check your current healrate value with getav, add or subtract to or from it with modav.

There are also more commands to alter the value, like forceav or setav...


Find previously used console commands by hitting the Up key on your keyboard.


he wants "player.forceav healrate #"

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Thanks again for the info, but i have run into a problem. I was toying with the healrate and set it to 3.9, I played a few minutes like this and exited the game after saving. Now the healrate increase feels a little op for me and when I try to change it back it will not convert to the new setting. I have tried multiple times with no success, if anyone has any idea whats going on the advice is well needed.
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