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questions thoughts and load order


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So i have been baffled by trying to run this

the game is working yes but not to the 100 % it should be i have used Loot "

but still genuinely confused
I do have all DLC aside from DB this is Original skyrim not se

my current order and mods are as follow, if anyone can give pointers tips etc to help make things work properly

that would be amazing





ALSL body cbbe bbp tbbp

cbbelolibody - using for models replaces to make as proper followers with cbbe armors

XP32 maximum skeleton

Realistic rag dolls and force

HDT phys ext

HDT BaB phys

HDT HighHeels

Bodyslide and outfit studio

Deadricfemale for Chsbhc

RV Emb 266d

random music intro replacer.

Enhanced nights skyrim

Ethereal cosmos

Moon glow

Skygazer moon

Skygazer constalation

Ethereal auroras

Shooting stars

More Snow

Sky 2k tex


Better females by bella

Succubus race

Temptress race

RS children over haul - would prefer a full replace if possible like the cbbe replacer

MBWS serana


Race menu

Sofia follower

Sofia redux cbbe

Lovely hairstyle

Blood witch armor

Book of knowledge

Big book of knowledge

Ebony retex

Enchanted arsenal

EzEs art dis

Fudou Myouou katana

Immersive weapons

Isil Lotr wep

Isli Lotr retex

Knights thorn armor

No enchant restrict

Penobscot warbow

Proper length arrows

Unlock unique enchants

Airship dev aveza

Wyvern rock castle

Into the deep atlantis


Monsters reborn

Ult Hd fire

Enhanced blood

Apocalypse magic

Way of the monk

Lustmord vampire armor

Better vampires 8

Female vamp have fangs

Companion Selene kate


Dark Lilith armor

Armor clothing change for kids

ridiculous - for increase or decrease npc assets


BB scaling for npc


Vanil arm cloth conversion hdt +

Remodeled armor for cbbe + and hdt

Vanilla armor HDT

The people are beautiful




F-Momo jump

Again any and all help is welcome. i have tried to use LOOT but i keep gaining CTD when i do,

when i organize it myself it works LOL but not completely. I haven't ever posted , i normally just Dl and or endorse people whom i really like for their work. any extra mod suggestions for city over hauls and more dungeons etc would also be most welcome.

Edited by kiyanai
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CBBE, not CHSBHC. Don't even bother with CHS if you plan on using a different skeleton, HDT, or anything CBBE-related. If that's your install order, you've essentially deleted CHS anyway, so no point even having it on your system.

XPMSE, not XPMS. XPMS is extremely outdated, and doesn't support HDT.

Definitely not 'Better' Females, unless you have a thing for drag-queens who forgot to shave...plus, it doesn't work with TexBlend so you'll always have a neckseam with it. The 'Natural' version of it by zzjay is miles better than the original, but there are plenty of other mods out there that retexture both the body and face so you can easily avoid neckseams.

"Vanil arm cloth conversion hdt+/Remodeled Armour HDT/Vanilla armor HDT"...don't these pretty much all do the same thing? Also, if you intend on using CBBE, make sure you're only getting things from the mod list.

For any other issues, make sure you read the mod descriptions (rule #1 of modding) to make sure you know what each mod does and to check compatibility and such.

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