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How would someone convert part of an exterior cell to an interior cell?

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I'd like to convert the roof of 35 court to an interior worldspace. Unfortunately, it's a pretty serious performance sink in an already overloaded area. I haven't been able to get the area to cull, especially not from range, so I don't see a way to fix the performance impact besides just removing it from the world.


What steps would I need to follow in order to make a conversion, or is there a tutorial for how to do this (or something similar) available?

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hello giggily-omer-omicon

that sounds intriguing.


I think you'll find this thread


of some use.




There are a few ways you could achieve the interior cell...

the easiest perhaps is a matched newlands with a "Any Door to Any Where",

so that new cell is referenced that way.

you can even make the doorway be previs into that new room,

so it is 'seamless' - ChuckSteel has some great ideas on how to do all that.


I hope this is of use for you, and look forward to seeing what you do with that area.

35 Court, Vault 75 etc, they're "bad juju" areas for a lot of modders

a lot of complications and gremlins seem to arise around those hotspots hehe,

so it's awesome to see people trying to find a way.



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