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[Skyrim SE] Tier'd Armor Sets?

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Forgive me if I am really late to the game and this is something already discussed, done, hashed out etc. I'm extremely new to the modding community and feel like an uber noob!


I was looking around the CK and have been slowly getting used to it, while i was investigating armors something got me thinking...


What if an Armor "Set" could be created, so that you start with your base armor, then when you upgrade the armor it adds further detail to that armor... aka Tier Armor sets! Each time you Improve your armor it further's in detail until you hit Legendary. The only thing I am unsure of is how to set the tempering in CK.


Any thoughts, ideas?



Well in an ironic state of 5am... Tarshana's just started a new thread regarding this very idea. No need for any replies here!!!

Edited by sakora
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Yes you can :) It isn't too difficult, but it will take some time and patience.


Set up your basic armour sets and then your tier sets.


Under Items - Constructible Objects you can see all the recipes in game. So open up what an "Elven boots" recipe is. At the top where the ID is, change it to something unique (I use a double number and letter prefix) so something like 00STElvenBootsT1 .


Now go to the right panel where the drop downbox is and start to type your tier item which should bring it up (sometimes you have to start over because it will pull up something else).


The main box is your Required Items List - make sure you are happy with the items.


Now go to the Conditions Box - remove the Elven Smith perk if you want (I never use those for myself since not everyone likes to put perk points in BS'ing). You can right click - New and set the conditions such as "GetLevel" - >= 10 . This means the person can only craft the item at level 10 or higher. I also recommend adding an in-game item (like a book) so the person has to have it in their inventory. It helps reduce lag and de-clutter on the crafting sceen. Or you can make the first tier item as a requirement - so GetItemCount - ItemName - == 1

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If I understand the OP's question is actually if tempering an item can change the appearance of said item? IE a superior steel mace would use a different texture than a legendary steel mace?


Correct, or new mesh (if its needed) and texture for the newly upgraded item (the new mesh would add more detail to the item) like say a molded grip, or further accents to the original item so you can tell visibly that the item has been upgraded. Essentially each time the item is upgraded it further enhances the physical look of the item.


Example: Starting off with a basic leather armor, 1st upgrade adding rivot detailing, 2nd upgrade adding reinforcement (chest plate made of leather), 3rd upgrade Leather reinforcement on chest plate becomes steel etc.

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If I understand the OP's question is actually if tempering an item can change the appearance of said item? IE a superior steel mace would use a different texture than a legendary steel mace?


Correct, or new mesh (if its needed) and texture for the newly upgraded item (the new mesh would add more detail to the item) like say a molded grip, or further accents to the original item so you can tell visibly that the item has been upgraded. Essentially each time the item is upgraded it further enhances the physical look of the item.


Example: Starting off with a basic leather armor, 1st upgrade adding rivot detailing, 2nd upgrade adding reinforcement (chest plate made of leather), 3rd upgrade Leather reinforcement on chest plate becomes steel etc.



You would just use the drop down menu to point to whatever object you wanted to show up as constructed. You have to create the item, the game doesn't know what you want to give it until you tell it what.



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That's exactly what I am talking about.


Sadly I am not a modder who creates armor!


I just thought it would be really neat for those who do make armor's to try it!!

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That's exactly what I am talking about.


Sadly I am not a modder who creates armor!


I just thought it would be really neat for those who do make armor's to try it!!


Oh gotcha :) I did that with the Market because I really hated getting rid of gear for something better because I like/want a certain look. Then I went ahead and made tiers for the vanilla armours because I know some people like base-game armours...and hey...why not kill Alduin wearing some fur boots?!

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