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Mod ideas: Helpful follower

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I know, I know. The nexus is now filled with follower mods these days.
But follower mods can be a lot of fun, if they are unique in one way. (Voice acted, extra dialog options, etc.

I am not a modder at all, but I was thinking about this idea:

Did you guys ever played Bioshock Infinite?
Elizabeth in that game has some awesome features that might be nice to have in Skyrim.

Elizabeth could help you by tossing ammo or potions to you when you are out of them.
This is something I would really prefer from a followermod!


Now this does not mean, it should be a female follower mod. Could be male, for all that I care.

It is about that specific feature. Is that possible within Skyrim's engine?

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It should be possible, yes. There's a dialogue in vanilla where an NPC the player has befriended says a few lines and gives a gift to the player. I'll see if I have time to play around in the CK, maybe see if I can replicate it for general use.

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Alright, I've successfully replicated the effect, but I still have no idea how scripting works, so I'm going to have to call in some help. I'll let you know how it goes!

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I've uploaded a test version of the script as an update to my follower mod:


The event has no dialogue (yet) and should occur a handful of times while traveling. It will trigger when the player changes location - e.g. from Whiterun Stables to Pelagia Farm.

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