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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Fine. Now then, i think we should get to the study, or the war room. Mirabelle change your clothes. You are my Advisor now." Selene said as she walked up the stairs.


Sienna turned her head as they approached a sewer grate. "Worst we will face in here is Vampires and goblins.... and smell, come on." Sienna said opening the hatch.

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OOC: Just imagine the dress in red or something, but not blue.


"Advisor!? Thank you!!" She rushed on her dress that Marcurio made him and put it in as quickly as she could. She turned to Selene, her dress was immaculate, she twirled her dress at Selene "How do I look?"

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"Whatever you think it's best." Shadow mumbled and leaned against the wall. "I will remain here as well."


Nawen walked silently in the very end of the group. "Maybe we should have just walked without so many soldiers." She said and sighed.


"Without so many?" Aardorn turned round, quick head count and turned back "I count five soldiers"

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OOC: Weren't there more soldiers with them? :blink:


Shadow followed Selene to where she was going. From being an assassin he know will fight armies or whatever...


"The group is still quite large."Nawen replied to Aardorn and approached Sienna which was standing near the sewer gates. "Vampires lives in the sewers?" She wasn't expecting that. How can someone live in the sewers?

Edited by Naktis
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"Very Elegant Mirabelle... it suits you." Selene said kindly.


Sienna looked at Nawen and said "Yes, they do, feasting off the blood that seeps from the bloodworks and any travellers stupid enough to go in there. Just don't get bitten." Then to Aardorn she said "This is a stealth operation, not a full out war. I think we are enough of a match for my sister."

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