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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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She scream out dropped her sword, she was performing a powerful spell behind her back, "Im wearing a dress!" she shot a powerfull lightning storm at him. He fell to the ground and Mirabelle jumped on his back. She looked up at Selene as she fell onher knees. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"ENOUGH!!" said a heavenly and angry voice, as a shockwave was sent through the entire chamber, knocking everyone to there knees, The vines Nawen summoned were increased with holy power, wrapping around everyone ensuring they could not move. Iodiria slowly floated down to the ground where she stood, disgusted at what she saw. "That is enough. From all of you. The truth has been revealed and you're empress is innocent. This fight is unessential. It is unneeded. I thought better of you all, you are not animals."


"Oh great, the 'goddess' returns" Aardorn said "When are you going to stop interfering?" he asked, The squad looked at her, most of them sighing, they'd heard all about her


Fox spun round, hitting Mirabelle in the face, then drew his sword, using how close they were to his advantage, he rolled onto her, then put the sword to her throat "Move, and I cut you throat"

Edited by Brutii
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"Never, weak little mortal. You are not a good man as i believed. You are a child. This is petty, you're little squad is petty, this is all petty. Sure, Selene deserves death, we all do from the moment we are born. But none of you are to say when death is to be deemed. This stops now. This is not the way to resolve anything." Iodiria replied, unamused, and uncaring of Aardorns comments.
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Mirabelle's face lit up "Go on, do it. Kill a woman you don't even know.."

"Been there. done it" Fox said


Aardorn looked at Iodiria, almost laughing "You aren't as high as you think"

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"Yes i am old man, i am as high as i think. YOU are low. You cannot destroy me, i am a god. Learn your station mortal man, or be cast into it. Futile words from a futile man, broken, old and weak. Destroy the heart and i shall cease to exist you will say, wrong. I no longer need the heart of Lorkahn, it is a focus for my power now, it is empty. But that is, as i have said enough. You and you're men shall leave." Iodiria said sternly.
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Shadow stood there entangled by the vines, his silver sword still in his hands. This whole root thing was annoying but at least it stopped the fighting.


Nawen slowly stood up, because of the electrocution her entire body ached. She was sure that everyone will slaughter each other but luckily Iodiria came and stopped it. At least for a while.

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Mirabelle was just under a meter away from Fox. She whispered "I love magic" she casted a rune spell right under Fox's feet and it exploded causing him to fall the ground. Mirabelle kicked his stomach as hard as she could.


OOC: Wtf?! I don't even understand what just happened


Aardorn looked at Iodiria "Your power is less than you think, and I wouldn't destroy the heart, no one in their right mind would" Aardorn said "We shall leave, and I'm tired of getting involved in 'business' of the empire. This new empire is nothing but a joke" Aardorn turned towards the exit "Shanta" he said, and the squad turned to follow him

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Iodiria released the vines from everyone and stood looking angry. She shook her head as Aardorn and his men left, not before remarking "This new empire has brought peace. And saved the crumbling empire of Titus mede from submission to the thalmor. Try and face it if you will, you will have every province's army after you're head." She watched as he and his men left, shutting the doors with a slam behind them. "Well done Nawen, that was very good of you." Iodiria said, referencing to the vines.
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