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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Aardorn sat down sharpening his sword

"Don't you ever do anything else?"

"What do you mean?"

"do anything other than fight?"

"It's my duty to fight"

"It's our duty to fight, it isn't our duty to let the fights control our body, you need to do something other than think about killing stuff"

"Whats the point? Everyone seems to hate me. The gods must hate me, Dirmire must hate me, Nawen must hate me, Selene definitely hates me, Edward hated me, Iodiria must hate me, my mother must hate me, my father must hate me, my brother must hate me... am I missing anyone here?"

"Your sister..."

"Oh yeah, thanks" Aardorn said sarcastically

"But your missing the point! You hide behind your sword to much"

"What point is there to miss"

"Maybe you should try and learn something to do in times of peace... other than drink. Maybe you need to taste the sorrow of those who died before you..."

"I knew it, you are a totally nut case..."

"You forgot, but I remember this..."

"I don't have time for this!" Aardorn shouted, he stood up and stormed away away

"Lads head isn't screwed on right"

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Selene looked at Shadow with sadness in her eyes. "I murdered you! I held you in a loving embrace and then shoved a dagger into your heart! You should never have forgiven me, i should not be here... i should have died that day but instead it was you!... And yet you still forgive me... after everything i put you through, after i killed you!"
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Shadow folded his arms on his chest. "Do you really think that I would allow someone to make me into their own personal toy? If you want I can say that I hate you and leave." He was getting annoyed by this. There was no place for comforting in his no longer beating heart.
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Selene smiled. "Yes. Back to Akavir... back to where this all started. Perhaps i can make it all right by taking Akavir back from the demons... or die trying. But whatever happens... I love you Shadow. Mirabelle... find a good Potentate to rule while i am gone... and don't get corrupted by power... I don't want another me."
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