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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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" Wait, they seem armed...they have weapons."

" Who cares they're probably just simple bandits, lets just kill them." Said Marcurio

" OK I don't think full on battle technique would be the greatest idea at the moment, I think we should sneak."

" They obviously know we're here though..."

" Oh, I don't know what do you think Selene?"

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" Wonderful." Lets go.

Mirabelle acted slightly cocky as she simply walked towards them admiring her nails she took out her sword and Marcurio readied Thunderbolt and Wall of frost.

" Gentlemen, I believe your death is deserved." Said Mirabelle in a patronizing tone.

" We weren't here to kill the maid we are here to kill you and Selene!"

Edited by AnotherAverageName
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" No...you...then the Empire!" Said one of them running out with an ebony dagger. Marcurio casted a wall of fire around the bush setting it on fire " Stay back! Scum!" Marcurio yelled.


OOC: What one of them looks like



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" Sorry, under strict orders, they wan't your head on a pike of their fort!" The fire began to cease and one of them ran away unseen into the forest. " That's it!" Mirabelle chopped off the mans head clean off and picked it from the ground, maybe they will accept this head instead hmmm?" She said throwing it back in the fire. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"There's no point in stopping her. She will go there anyway." Shadow said as he heard Mirabelle's words.


Nawen left the tavern and looked around. A man with the wagon just passed her but other than that the road seemed empty. The elf looked at the map, wondering where to go next. She already explored most of the empire during those twenty years.

When she was still looking at the map she heard how someone left the tavern. Nawen raised her head and saw a man that looked a lot like... "Aardorn?" She asked so the man could hear her as well.


"Thats my name, but if your hear to confuse me with stupid riddles then you have the wrong man" he said, without even turned to regard whoever it was "I've had enough of that kind of rubbish today"

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