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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"That was rude." She thought and frowned a bit. "I'd prefer to talk to you without having to look at your back." She said.


Aardorn turned round "What do you want?" he asked

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" What should we do, I don't wan't them burning down my house we have to bring the battle to them." Said Mirabelle

" Your right but do you really think we can do this alone there at least 300 men over there I don't mean to sound modest but I don't think we can defeat them all by ourselves." Said Marcurio disabling his magic.

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"Just to talk to you." Nawen replied. She wasn't expecting an answer like that but what happened earlier wasn't what she expected either.


"About what? Whats to talk about? How I want to kill Selene? Well if your going to ask, yes, I want to kill her" he said

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"I can see that but I just want to know why are you so eager to... fight." Nawen was honestly curious why Aardorn was most of the time fighting someone. She wondered if there's a way to help him. She wanted to help.
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"I can see that but I just want to know why are you so eager to... fight." Nawen was honestly curious why Aardorn was most of the time fighting someone. She wondered if there's a way to help him. She wanted to help.


"What else am I meant to do? Fighting is what I do, it's what my life is"

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