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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Did no one ever remained loyal to you?" Nawen asked. She wanted to just yell at him and say what she had in mind at the moment but she was sure that it will not change his opinion.


"Only a few, but usually they wind up worse off for it, the only person who never really betrayed me was Kolran, but supporting my theory he has what he wants most."

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"Worse? How worse exactly?" Nawen thought that if some people really remained loyal to him that should be enough but it seems it isn't.


"Why do you care?"

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Selene carried on walking until she reached the gates of Oldanwor, normally it would have felt like home but... something was wrong, she pushed open the large doors and stepped inside the hallowed halls, closing the gates behind her, she walked down the familiar corridors, but a sense of... Neglect clung to the air. There was not a single member of the Mythic Dawn in sight, and Selene was rather worried. She opened the door to the throne room and looked at the Figure upon the throne. "My oh my, If it isn't my old Master... I assume you killed my Dawn then?"
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Mirabelle jumped from her chair and went on a rampage. No one was in the throne room so no one knew what she was doing. She threw furniture around and smashed everything in her way tables, chairs, vases, pedestals all fell down cursing as she destroyed them. She then yelled and stormed off to her room and took off her clothes and chucked to them to the floor and stamped on them. She then lay on her bed face down punching the pillow shouting "Why!!" Several times. She wasn't screaming but was furious and deeply angry with Selene. Infact she became so angry she sat on Selenes throne, cursing...her voice echoing. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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