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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Tool? Take a look in the Mirror girl. Selene has, as she has always done, played with you like a marionette. Pulling the strings and forcing your actions. She has used you more than most, yes she has used me, but as is Empresses prerogative. Now, if you don't leave, Now, i shall have you arrested. Don't make me add treason to the list of what i could charge you for right now." The old man said calmly, he was the long reigning high chancellor, with over 15 years in office.
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Mirabelle was hurt by what this man said and just walked up the stairs in silence entered her chambers shutting the door behind her. She sat on the floor leaning on the door and all she could think was " We need a new leader." It was only now that Mirabelle saw Selene for who she was but decided to keep it secret and just rest...she was so close to resigning as Advisor and just go back to her life in the forest manor not having to put up with Selene again. She had so many dreams that night of her on the throne smiling in a heavenly empire of peace without corruption...without Selene..she thought this was wrong but still dreamt about it. Her mind almost became filled with perfect visions and Selene was only in one of them...on the floor. She awoke breathing heavily..." No! No! Now way!" Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"Because I want to know." She wondered what she did to deserve this rather rude sounding response.


"5 years ago, I led 30 men deep into an aylied ruin in the north of cyrodille to clear out a necromancer who had been raiding out lying villages, of the men I led in, one came out alive, minus his left leg" Aardorn said, lowering his head "I screwed up, they suffered. They trusted me to lead them through, I failed. There, I said it, I made mistakes, are you happy now?!"




Coation smiled slightly "I didn't kill the dawn, they killed each other" Coation said "I believe the one who struck first was named Ugluk, he is a very strong warrior, not to bright though, it was easy to manipulate him into killing his friends, currently I think he's in the basement. There is something hidden here that I want back, of course, your guards weren't going to let me rummage through the treasury, so I pitted them against each other, and in the confusion I rummaged through the treasury, I'm quite annoyed, because I couldn't find it, one of your men has been stealing."

Edited by Brutii
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Mirabelle put her clothes back on and just stood there in the mirror thinking, she thought for a moment of just walking out the palace and going back home but she knew she couldn't, it is her duty to serve the empress whoever that may be, no matter what they did. Reluctant, she tied up her dress and put her hair into plaits. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Mirabelle knew she would have to take her anger to someone who cared, someone who listened. " Meridia" She whispered. She walked out of the palace heading to some sort of small mountain with a statue of Meridia standing tall, light shining on it. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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"Ah, the Orc. Always was a pain. But was is it you need from here? The Treasury housed most of what the Dawn has recovered over the years... But you say my men had been stealing? Have you checked the corpses? the lovely little dungeon?" Selene said with a smile.


"Yes, I believe they have been stealing and fencing some of the property, most annoying, there were artifacts in there, some where VERY powerful. There was daedric artifacts such as Mehrunes razor, Wabbajack, Azura's star, the ebony blade, umbra, and someone has taken them all"

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Selene's eyes widened and she said "No... they couldn't have... Damn it i should never have trusted the men to keep there hands to themselves while i was playing god on the throne... What has the dawn become? We should have kept the Artifacts secure... not just behind a locked door. Well one thing is for definite, and that is that these Artifacts need to be recovered... we can't have just anyone walking around with the Ebony blade."
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Selene's eyes widened and she said "No... they couldn't have... Damn it i should never have trusted the men to keep there hands to themselves while i was playing god on the throne... What has the dawn become? We should have kept the Artifacts secure... not just behind a locked door. Well one thing is for definite, and that is that these Artifacts need to be recovered... we can't have just anyone walking around with the Ebony blade."


"The other thing that is for definite is that once I have these artifact back I will be able to conquer the empire!" Coation said "And if you try to stop me you will die"

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