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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Obsidian sat on a chair inside his office, bitting his lip and wondering what to write as the next line on the letter. He was about to write it when Coation attacked him from behind, pushing him from from the chair, Obsidian stood up, drawing his sword and swinging it, but Coation disintergrated his weapon with a spell, and electrocuted Obsidian, before stamping on him. Coation pushed a lose board on the office wall, taking out wabbajack, he laughed and left the office, Obsidian coughed up blood, and crawled away to find someone who could help him.
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Mirabelle warded off her evil magic only experiencing a small amount of pain " Your not the only one who can use magic ,prostitute!" She cast circle of protection around herself taking out the Dawnbreaker. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Mirabelle screamed out in pain then slowly into anger... her hair seemed to glow orange. She then screamed and her hair caught fire but it didn't harm her. She whipped her hair at Selene grasping around her thighs still on fire.


OOC lol I whip my hair back and forth.



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Nawen listened to what Aardorn said. She thought that those who put him in charge were the ones to blame not him. He was too young and unprepared for something like this. She had no doubt that Aardorn was and still is a great fighter and strategist but he shouldn't blame himself. "So you're just going to blame yourself for it? Yes you did a mistake and unfortunately other people had to suffer but everyone makes mistakes, even the greatest warriors and leaders. I think that you were not entirely ready for it and if someone needs to be blamed it's those who put you up to the job, not you."
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