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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Nawen was about to say something when a courier ride past them. The woman was in a hurry so she accidentally dropped one newspaper. The elf picked up the paper from the ground and read it. It was about Selene and how she abdicated and something about that she cannot be trusted. "Well I hope you will be able to remember that method. It might prove useful again..." She said and handed the paper to Aardorn.
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Selene smiled. "Oh no, i am the previous Empress of Tamriel... recently... turncoat... Mistress of the Mythic Dawn."


"Mehrunes Dagons worshipers. The upper levels are to small for a dovah, so I seldom get a chance to talk to one, Coation brought me here via another tunnel."

" We connected the underground Ayleid ruin and this underground nordic tomb... or fort... I don't know which. It is now a giant sprawling stronghold, this door here is new, unlike the rest of the tomb... or fort... Actually, lets call it a fortress tomb."

"Coation has been very helpful in concealing me as I moved here from my fort in skyrim with my priest. I have two forts now..."

"Lets not bore her, we have work to do, do you have it safe?"

"yes" He stepped aside, revealing a machine behind it, coation opened a hatch and revealed a circle of welkynd stones on the outside, then a circle of varla stones next inside, then black soul gems, and he put azura's star in the centre, then closed the hatch and the machine sprung to life.

"This is my finest invention, I will call it a titan war machine, hopefully the first of many once I find a suitable substitute for Azuras star" Coation said, smiling with delight


Aardorn read it "This can't be good. Well, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so""

Edited by Brutii
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Selene smiled darkly, and then broke into a fit of Manic laughter, she was mentally unstable after all, so this could be considered normal for those who knew her. But suddenly she stopped and said "This is fantastic... no, this is divine... such a machine... and a Dovah? We certainly have the Army of the ages... My, my i shall enjoy fighting along side this army."
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