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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"I'll raise legions of the dead for first act if you let me and is my undead dragon permited," Dirmire said starting to walk into Choroll.


The dragon roared in rage "Mey! Dreh Ni Alok Dov!" he shouted "Dov Aar Wah Nid Jul!"


Aardorn looked at Mirabelle "So you've succeded in getting men almost exactly like the orcs you were insulting earlier, clever"

Edited by Brutii
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"As i said my old friend, you are welcome to Join... more Undead of your summoning skill would be a true asset... You will have to Ask Coation about the undead dragon though." Selene said, walking in the direction of the castle


The dragon roared in rage once more "Nid! Dreh Ni Alok Dov!" he roared, sounding like he swallow the next person to suggest it whole "Dov Aar Wah Nid Jul!" then he paused, remembering they don't speak dragon language "No! Do not raise dragons! Dragons slaves to no man!"

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"well he doesn't sound happy," Dirmire said pointing to the dragon,"I think I will have to ask coation."


Coation shook his head "I would say yes, but I don't think he likes that idea"

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Nawen only sighed and looked at those men that Mirabelle brought with her. What they have now is not enough to defeat Selene. She had one last incredibly stupid idea which might not even work but it might be worth it... she looked around and sneaked from the palace to the city.
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