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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Six thousand good and strong warriors." He replied as he looked at both Mirabelle and Aardorn. The politeness of redhead woman sickened him so he looked away from her. "Six thousand? I doubt that this will be enough..." "You asked for an army but didn't say how many men do you need." The tiefling interrupted her. "At least it's not twenty..." She thought.



"We don't know for sure she has to many men, we know that we will need more than what mirabelle scrapped together to beat selene, I hope this will do, but we must never underestimate Selene and her evil friends" then he recieved a message, he read it "No, they deffinitly won't be enough, the allies I called for have double crossed me and are helping Selene"


Coation nodded "Good, you better not have problems"

Edited by Brutii
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Dirmire walked from the shadows and followeed next to Selene,"It's done, the animals are in frenzy," Dirmire walked next to Selene,"Gauldoth?" Edited by Meciathe
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Dirmire walked from the shadows and followeed next to Selene,"It's done, the animals are in frenzy," Dirmire walked next to Selene,"Gauldoth?"


"yes, he's on our side" Coation said



Aardorn looked at the Teth... teif... whatever when he talked about getting repayed, something about it gave him the creeps, he looked at mirabelle "With the armies which just joined him, there is at least 8 more legions, maybe more"

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"Eight legions? This is not good." The tiefling said and frowned slightly. "No matter. We have faced more dangerous enemies than some undead and humans."


"I'm sure you have, but I know the four men who flocked to her side one of them is a sniveling fool, one is mainly good at manipulating people and striking biased deals which are totally unfair on the other person because they didn't watch exactly what they said, one is a groutesque fool but one is a military genius. I'd watch out for that one. His tactics and sword skills are only surpassed by his temper"

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