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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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" Yes I'm well aware of whats going on Aadorn, I'm not stupid." She paused and looked at Sienna " You have forces?" She asked politely.


Aardorn sighed "From everything I've seen you ARE stupid, now go do something useful" he said

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OOC: If everyones calling Mirabelle stupid when she isn't she's been raised in a court, why should I post?


" Stupid? Your the one who thinks they can walk up to her and simply chop off her head! Please, just keep your ridiculous thoughts to yourself." She said finding him disrespectful.

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OOC: If everyones calling Mirabelle stupid when she isn't she's been raised in a court, why should I post?


" Stupid? Your the one who thinks they can walk up to her and simply chop off her head! Please, just keep your ridiculous thoughts to yourself." She said finding him disrespectful.


"Actually I have a plan, but your to incompetent to trust with it"

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Sienna looked at Mirabelle in disdain, but then could not be angry any more... despite Mirabelles poor attempt at combating the coming forces, she did at least try. "Yes Mirabelle... yes i have my Knights and my Crusaders." Sienna said, no hope in her voice.


Selene walked down the Staircase of Caste Chorrol, dressed in a revealing leather outfit, which made slight squeaking sounds as she moved, she had her hair arranged on the side of her head, all falling down her right Shoulder, she wore black eyeliner, and enhanced her beauty spot, with a light pinkish lipstick. "I'll take Anvil."










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" Thank you Sienna, I must say you are a far better woman than Selene, we have two legions ready for attack, sentries outside the walls and several catipults incase of a direct attack." She said truthfully. Edited by AnotherAverageName
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Sienna looked at Mirabelle in disdain, but then could not be angry any more... despite Mirabelles poor attempt at combating the coming forces, she did at least try. "Yes Mirabelle... yes i have my Knights and my Crusaders." Sienna said, no hope in her voice.


Selene walked down the Staircase of Caste Chorrol, dressed in a revealing leather outfit, which made slight squeaking sounds as she moved, she had her hair arranged on the side of her head, all falling down her right Shoulder, she wore black eyeliner, and enhanced her beauty spot, with a light pinkish lipstick. "I'll take Anvil."











"Good good," Coation said "Dirmire and I shall come with you, the four Ducs can take Bruma"

"I shall stay here" The dragon said

"Okay, if there is a chance the town will be taken, butcher the population, I will leave the centurions to help you" Coation said, and he went with Selene and her spectral force to the north


"The healthy mind doesn't wake up in the morning thinking this may be its last day on Nirn. But I think that's a luxury, not a curse. To know you're close to the end is a kind of freedom, your ready to do whatever it takes. Out-gunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide mission. But the lands here, stained with era's of warfare... They will remember us. For this. They say truth is the first casualty of war. But who defines what's true? Truth is just a matter of perspective, The only truth I found is that the world we live in is a giant tinderbox, All it takes...is someone to light the match." Aardorn said, and he pointed to a map of chorrol "Lots in the world happens because of the ripple effect, one things leading onto another, a man's house is going to be condemned by an official, but the man gives his land lord money to bribe this official with, the land lord sends money to bribe the official, but the messenger is mugged, and the money never arrives, the house is condemned, and the man, feeling betrayed, kills his landlord. Now to explain what this plays in our plan. In the third era, a mine was discovered here, some bandits were mining into Chorrols sewers system, they were stopped, we send agents through this mine and come out in the city, they spread news amoungst the towns people, who rebel, because of this rebellion the enemy is focused on the civilians, allowing us to send our army out of the sewers and re claim the city"

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