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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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" If you really want to take this battle alone?" She asked worried about her safety. " Marcurio will also make a fine king, yes, please tell Marcurio to await me at Daggerfall." She replied her views on this woman constantly changing every time she said a sentence.
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Sienna took out the hairpin she wore to keep her hair up, and let fall her black hair, but with one large streak of grey, across the right. "Do not worry for my safety Mirabelle... i am capable in battle... but my life is forfeit should it need to be sacrificed. For the nine Divines Mirabelle... Be safe in the Warring States of Daggerfall... and kill your combatants." Sienna said softly and kindly.
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" Just, be careful, if your going to take it alone then take these scrolls, it is the least I can do.....Oh, I feel as if I should stay though! I could be very useful!" she said passing her several scrolls, some summoned anomalies, some summoned Spriggan Matrons.
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Kevorin Fallenheart had already spoken with his men and were waiting outside for orders, Nawen stood beside him. She didn't want to stereotype he didn't seem like a good man and besides he was new to this world...


Kevorin looked at Nawen from time to time eyeing the longsword attached to his own belt. Why should he wait for this battle if he could do it right now. The orders he received were ridiculous but clear. He just could not understand why they had to wait...

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Sienna frowned. "I wish suffering on no being Mirabelle... only Justice, and i shall deliver it to my Sister... yes she had an awful past, and i feel so sorry for her... but it has twisted her into a lost soul, a vengeful spirit. I will put my Sister to rest... that i promise you." Sienna said, sounding serious, as she meant it.
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"She must die by the blade of Justice.... or find death naturally." Sienna said. "I would rather you did not kill my Sister... i would rather she killed by my hand... and if not? at some point the gods shall take action against her. Now i must ride to Chorrol. Luck be with you on the Daggerfall roads." Sienna said, putting the scrolls Mirabelle gave her in her satchel.
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