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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Coation was approaching Chorrol once more, the chance for the forces of good was closing fast, and Aardorn had already acted, fighting rang out in the streets of the city


the Ducs and their forces approached from the north, Aardorn had no idea of the approaching danger, and assumed everything was going according to plan, with the exception of the enemy being dwemer creations

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"See you around little God-daughter... i have important things to do." Selene said, and then vanished in a black wrend of smoke. She appeared once again in the Army of evil, walking out from the Shadows and keeping up with Coation. "Well well, we have a little strike force... shame they are doomed."


Sienna dismounted her horse and ran into the battle, almost immediately she was overwhelmed, but endured the centurions, fighting through the streets to reach Aardorn.

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"See you around little God-daughter... i have important things to do." Selene said, and then vanished in a black wrend of smoke. She appeared once again in the Army of evil, walking out from the Shadows and keeping up with Coation. "Well well, we have a little strike force... shame they are doomed."


Sienna dismounted her horse and ran into the battle, almost immediately she was overwhelmed, but endured the centurions, fighting through the streets to reach Aardorn.


Aardorn looked at her "We have suffered heavy losses, but we can handle these" he said "Seems there was only three legions in the city, I don't know where the duc's have gone!"

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Sienna spun around and finished off a Centurion. "Damn it... it seems the promise of rebellion is chiming louder... this is just there Dwemer robot forces... there combined strength will crush us. Still, onwards we go.


Selene stood with Coation and looked down upon Chorrol... she spotted Sienna in the midst and said "Ah, my Sister, the Epitome of good... New Empress... Ha! I shall enjoy cutting her down.... i have waited so long to do so."

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Sienna spun around and finished off a Centurion. "Damn it... it seems the promise of rebellion is chiming louder... this is just there Dwemer robot forces... there combined strength will crush us. Still, onwards we go.


Selene stood with Coation and looked down upon Chorrol... she spotted Sienna in the midst and said "Ah, my Sister, the Epitome of good... New Empress... Ha! I shall enjoy cutting her down.... i have waited so long to do so."


"Why? Whats coming?" he asked, looking worried, they could barely handle this amount


Coation laughed "You will get your chance, very soon" he said "CHARGE!", and he rushed towards the city, the army behind him


The ducs watched from a ridge, the wolf stopped them charging, there would be to many men else and it would get confusing, he decided they should wait outside and be ready to ambush any who retreated

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"Look, and find out." Sienna said pointing to the charging might of Coations forces.


"Oh, for the love of the gods!" he said "If this wasn't enough now we've got them to worry about" the only logical option in this situation was a retreat, it was the only way to save any one, else this would become a blood bath

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"We are not going to survive this... you have to get your men out! I can try and hold them off." Sienna said boldly.


Aardorn looked at the charging army, and saw selene "Don't be stupid, you get out, I'm going to finish this!"


OOC: Might not be on again to night, sorry :whistling:

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