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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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The man smiled when they left, and turned to look over the land again, a voice came from behind him "They will kill you, you know, if you continue" the man turned round, and another aged man stepped out, he appeared to be around 50, and was wearing a robe and a silver amulet round his neck, by the invisibility he had used, he clearly held some power

"Who is it I am speaking with?"

"Someone who has seen more than you and less than you at the same time. You know they will kill you, right?"

"I am already dead, besides, my magic is more than a match for anything they can do"

"Arrogance, it will be your downfall"

"Arrogance? The dead always win in the end"

"You speak of the dead winning, but I wonder, is it all talk and no action?"

"We have action"

"Do not lie to yourself, you are in this for self gain, not for the gain of the dead"

"That is a lie! I am in this for the dead!"

"Sure you are, like your creature had no flaws and was perfect"

"Okay! I admit that he had flaws, but all will be perfected in time!" the man was getting angry now

"You still need to find it, don't jump ahead of yourself"




"Fine, but I will be back. And if you keep raiding his lands, he will come for you" The man disappeared, leaving the necromancer standing alone on the mountain

"First thing I am doing is finding a way to block all this teleportation!"

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"We could put an end to him easily if you want to,my power in necromancy outmatches his; and not trying to offend yours as well, you also have a much greater power than mine in destruction." Dirmire said as he look around the area he was in.
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The man woke with a start "You?! Again?!" he shouted, and the man standing at the foot of his bed

"Well, I certainly hope it is me"

"You would have thought 240 years would have sharpened your wit, Coation. Yes, thats right, I found your name!"

"You adapt well, still, you have much to learn Gauldoth Half-Dead, yes, thats right, I found your name"

"Don't mock me!"

"I wonder when you will become Gauldoth full-dead"

"I can't wait! But why do you return?"

"To warn you"

"Of what?!"

"Intimate doom"

"If you talk of the empress and her lacky's..."

"Of an even greater foe"

"Can there be an even greater foe?"

"Worse things than manimarco, you or even Selene dwell in the dark places of the world"

"So who?"

"Well, I can think of many who dwell in the dark places of the world"

"Yeah, and you are one of them"

"Quite correct, but on the contrary I am a go... okay one. This foe..."

"It won't matter! Selene and her lacky will come to kill me before then, and thanks to some bitchy false goddess, my army is in ruins! I am no match for the imperial legion alone!"

"Be silent! I did not come to hear you wallow in self pity!"

"So what do I do?"

"They won't kill you, because I won't let them kill you" Coation didn't add, 'yet'

"You?! How?! I heard you lost all your magic a long time ago!"

"Oh please! An exaggerated tale! Now, listen closely..." and Coation spoke into the night

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"You can choose when to destroy him and I'll be there to see his shocked face," Dirmire smirked at his comment.


OOC: can't wait to see Selene and Dirmire's shocked faces


OOC PS: I'll be back, tea


OOC PPS: Attack him when I'm at the dinner table and I'll god mod the red mountain onto you!

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OOC: There will be no shocked face from Selene, nothing surprises her anymore. And don't worry, i am not going to attack him while you are away.


"Honestly honey, i am too old for this lark. I just don't have it in me to go and kill him, he has done nothing to me, so why should i kill him? Unlike Iodiria i have no morals, i will only eliminate someone should i feel like it." Selene said with a sigh.

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OOC: Back, and 'cause I want some fun, oh and, this guy just finds them


A messenger ran up to Selene "My lady, took me forever to find you and deliver this" the messenger handed it over, the message was sealed by the deaths head, and once opened it revealed a letter written in blood, the blood of some imperial soldiers:


To Selene and her friend, Dirmire

I hope this letter reaches you in due haste for it is of the up most importance, after my home has been destroyed by a prostitute of a false goddess and an artifact stolen by one of your men, I demand the resources to rebuild it, the corpse of the thief Aardorn, the artifact (toture the thief for it) and corpse's to rebuild my army. This should be delivered by a servant you don't mind not seeing again. These requests demands have been delievered to Iodiria as well, follow them through or else!

The same sort of letter was found near the red mountain, only it was written in the blood of dunmer


To Iodiria

I hope this letter reaches you in due haste for it is of the up most importance, after my home has been destroyed by you, and an artifact stolen by Aardorn, I demand the resources to rebuild it, the corpse of the thief Aardorn, the artifact (toture the thief for it) and corpse's to rebuild my army. This should be delivered by a servant you don't mind not seeing again. These requests demands have been delievered to Selene and Dirmire as well, follow them through or else!

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Selene read the letter with amusement and said "Oh how lovely, a letter written in blood... i had a death threat on my birthday once you know, it was written in blood and... wait you don't want to know... So he want's this artifact eh? and Aardorn? now that is a name i have not heard in some time.... Well the resources are easy to obtain, as are the bodies. But i don't like demands... And it seems Iodiria has meddled in the mortal plane again... silly girl. Anyway, we need to pay Aardorn a visit." Selene said those last words and teleported away, to Aardorns castle in Skyrim...


Iodiria read the letter "So... i am expected to pay for a necromancers home? I will not, threats.. Ha, pathetic. Nothing of this mortal plane can harm me, but this will be interesting to follow through... Hmm, i shall act upon this in a moment..." She said closing the letter.


Aria and Aardorn reached the castle. Once they were inside Aria said "Well, we are here my lord, back home."

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