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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"He Just did.... when i re-married him he became Emperor... with me out of the picture the Empire is his to command. He has been a brilliant military leader but.... i am the one who brought about a golden age, not him." Selene sighed and said. "Looks like we will have to go into hiding, maybe back to Skyrim? Or morrowind..." Selene said pessimistically.
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"You think he won't find us there?" Nawen asked as she finally stepped outside. The drow sighed in relief. She felt better now that she was outside. "We need to find some clothes for you." "And... do you know what happened to others?"
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"Aardorn is okay... i think... He is old though, not got much left in him. Dirmire is... well as much scum as he was before. Edward... i think he is dead, could never deal with Autumn's death... And Iodiria has rebuilt morrowind, clever sod she is... although too divine for me. I think that Aardorn is back in his castle in Skyrim... so maybe we should go there? Oh and Nawen? Thank you. If the Emperor does find us i will kill him, i will anyway, but... well you know." Selene said weakly.
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"Well I guess we should go to Skyrim then." Nawen said as she stood still, trying to remember where are the shops in this city. She was sad to hear that some of her friends or acquaintances died or something other not good happened to them but she was happy for those who were still alive. Nawen completely forgot that humans age, Nawen herself looked almost exactly like she did twenty years ago. "Any time." The drow said and looked back at Selene. "This isn't the best place for healing so I can only give you some healing potions." Nawen said and gave Selene few bottles of healing potions.
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"I'm fine my dear Nawen, honestly, lets go... i can get some clothes out of those crates." Selene rummaged through the crates (As we have all done on oblivion when getting out of the sewers.) and found a simple blue common dress, and doeskin shoes, she put her hair up in a ponytail and said. "Let's go to Skyrim." And the pair set off for the frozen province once more....
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Dirmire teleported to Selene,"What are you doing out here?" He said as he looked at her,"and why are you wearing those clothes and a red mark on your face? Whos your new friend?" he said puzzled.
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(I just run around in my underwear in Oblivion. XD)

Nawen was still worried about Selene. It must be really hard for her because of what her husband did. She could not understand what Selene is going through though. She never had a husband or even a lover and probably never will... The drow shook her head slightly and continued walking towards the exit. "I could call some horses so we could reach Skyrim faster." The drow suggested.

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