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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"So suddenly we're underlings now, nice to know, I'll just go beg for food shall I, cheeky *censored*," Dirmire said walking away to find a tavern. Edited by Meciathe
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Nawen stayed silent. "There's a tavern nearby. See the sign?" Nawen said and pointed to a small house with a rather big sign. She somehow felt that what Selene said won't sit well with any of them. Dirmire already showed that. "I'll stay in Elsweyr then."


Shadow listened to Selene with the frown on his face. "Then I guess I will go home. Notice how I said I will go not YOU." "See how you'll like that." The vampire thought and stormed off. He wasn't planning to return to Cyrodiil though...

Edited by Naktis
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"So now i'm the bain of old women, it's not like i'm going to go there with a pitchfork and pretend to harvest the souls." Dirmire said anoyed kick open the tavern door and ordering a drink.
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"Whatever! I have business elsewhere." The vampire shouted back and continued walking away.


Nawen just stood there and watched the two vampires. "What an odd couple." She thought. Though for some reason Shadow seemed grumpier than ever and not only because of the journey here. Was it side effect of coming back to life? "So... what now?" She asked.

Edited by Naktis
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Nawen looked at the shattered bottle on the ground. "It was innkeeper's best." She said and glanced at Selene. "This whole thing isn't going very well." The drow folded her arms on her chest and sighed. She thought that this reunion meant new adventures but not this. Everyone is leaving for some unknown reasons. Nawen understood that not everyone in the group are either elves or vampires some of them age and maybe become tired of adventuring but... unlike others she has nowhere to go. Twenty or two hundred years Nirn will never be her home and she can't go back to hers. "I should have stayed in Lith My'athar with the Seer." She thought to herself and looked at the couple of orcs that walked past them.
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"I'm aorry honey but... i'm going to. See you around Nawen... stay safe." Selene said as she got up from the ground and vanished in a flash of light...


She went to riften,


After a few hours of talking to Maven, Selene's priorities were set. Her fire had been extinguiished, and in it's place there was now ice, her eyes steely as she walked away from riften...


She made another pact with the daedra, this time she received diabolicle powers of evil origin... and so began her new tyrannical rule... she ordered the abolushement of the nine divines, and began a new war....


"Nawen! I'm sienna, selenes sister! she has gone mad! we have to stop her, we have to!" Sienna said appearing in her crusaders armor, slamming through the door of the inn.

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