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What happens if followers are set to Respawn?


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So what happens if I check the respawn flag on a follow?



1. Will they respawn after they are killed just as they were when they first spawned, or will they spawn in a more updated form - for example, if I set a new home for them, will they remember that after respawning and go there instead of their initial location?



2. Will they respawn at other times without having died. For example, if I leave them somewhere waiting, will they respawn when the game goes through its regular respawn cycle?



2a. Will they respawn when they are following me around when the game goes through its respawn cycle or are they protected from respawning while in the same cell as me?



Other questions:


3. Is there a way to prevent a follower's corpse from disappearing?



4. Say I have a mod that can summon followers. Will it summon a follower's corpse?

Edited by FishBiter
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