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Static objects spawning on COCMarkerHeading

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I'm currently in the process of converting 35 Court's rooftop area to its own interior worldspace. Things were working fine up until I moved all of the objects in the cell from the 0,0,0 coordinates to the 35 Court location in the interior LOD. Now when I load in every static object not part of the precombined mesh spawns on top of the COC marker.


I am very confused.

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that sounds very much like what we called a Junknado in NV. if you tried to make a interior cell to large everything outside of the max interior size will spawn on the coc marker.


I could be wrong but I'm guessing your trying to put too much into your interior cell.

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glad to have helped, another thing that will happen (at least in FO3/NV) is if your placing clutter with the havok sim on and something drops through the floor, it will keep falling and when you load the cell in game it will also spawn on top of the coc marker.

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glad to have helped, another thing that will happen (at least in FO3/NV) is if your placing clutter with the havok sim on and something drops through the floor, it will keep falling and when you load the cell in game it will also spawn on top of the coc marker.


Well, I think that that's happening to me right now. For some reason collision isn't working with a number of objects in the cell, mostly stairs, and there are a couple of pieces of furniture still showing up at the COC marker. I'm assuming that they must be falling through the floor somewhere.

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