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I need some help with a unique Gwent mod

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I'm currently working on a lore-based Gwent mod and i've run into one or two problems.

First of all, I need to figure out how give regular unit cards weather abilities. For example, I want to give Imlerith the biting frost power and Ciri the clear weather power.
Looking at the weather cards, the effect flags are "EFFECT_MELEE" and "EFFECT_CLEAR_WEATHER" respectively (iirc -- I'm at work right now). Copying those flags over to Imlerith and Ciri in place of "EFFECT_NONE" does nothing at all. To make any difference, you have to add "TYPE_WEATHER," but, unsurprisingly that just changes the cards' power icons to a snowflake and sun. It also lets you place the card in the weather box in-game, but it doesn't actually activate the weather effect.
To get it to activate, I would have to remove the TYPE_CREATURE, TYPE_HERO, etc. flags, but that would obviously just leave me with weather cards that have Imlerith and Ciri's pictures on them. Pretty cool, but useless.

So anyway, I think it all comes down to the fact that there is no procedure in the game's code for unit cards with weather abilities. Mind you, there's no procedure for making unit cards dummy cards, but I managed to do that. (It's basically just a dummy card with a power score and a different texture. Nothing affects it, so it becomes a hero dummy card.)

Anyway, I believe I'll have to start looking in places besides the regular "gwint" files, but I have no CLUE where to begin. I guess I have to find the definitions the game uses to "translate" effects like "EFFECT_CLEAR_SKY," if that makes any sense.

Could anyone please give me some tips about where I can find the right files!?

Also, does anyone know how I might make a card show both the unit strength and the dummy card icon?


Edited by joshjneumann
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NOTE: Having a unit card summon a weather card with "EFFECT_SUMMON_CLONES" does NOT work. What it will do is freeze your game and probably your entire PC too when you try to play that unit card.


Also, using the effect flags from leader cards does nothing at all.

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...you wouldn't be able to play any ground based cards that weren't heros.


Well, I'm sorry but that just doesn't make any sense. If making a few unit cards have weather effects would stop you from being able to play any cards but hero cards then normal weather cards would do the same. You also seem to be forgetting that weather cards affect both sides of the board, both player and NPC, so even if what you say were true, it would not create an imbalance.


Also, there are clear weather cards, and my plan is to give Ciri that power, so that would open the board right up again.


Furthermore, weather cards (besides Skellige Storm) only affect one row at a time, meaning the other two rows are open to be utilized by any other card. I mean, that's how you work around the weather effects when an NPC uses a weather card, right? There's no real difference, besides that it adds a few extra points to your score this way as well.


Lastly, I only plan, at the moment, to give two unit cards weather abilities. One of those cards is specifically a Monster unit, and the other is a neutral card, but the weather power will be to clear the weather, rather than nerf the board with weather effects. And having just two (or maybe three -- I'll see how it goes if it's even possible to do) unit cards posses this ability will absolutely not break the game.

Edited by joshjneumann
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Personally when playing Qwent I go for the Monsters deck and stack as many Muster cards in my deck as I can buy, find, or win by playing other players repeatedly.


Or you know just use console to give your self the deck.


I'm really not sure what your point is... But thanks for your input :thumbsup:

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