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[LE] Looking for someone to write a (hopefully) small Papyrus script

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Good morning/evening everyone!


I'm looking for someone who is more experienced in Papyrus than I (read: just about anyone) to give me a hand in creating a script for my follower mod. What I want is for the follower to, at semi-random intervals, occasionally "toss" (give) items like potions, gold, and other small items to the player. Think Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite. I've got a small script, but it runs every time the player changes location, and that is obviously not ideal. If anyone could help, that would be great! I would of course credit you and add you as co-author. For reference, this is the mod in its current (public) form:



Thanks to anyone interested!

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If that's all you want, you could adjust the script to be a magic effect script instead, make it an ability, place it on the player. It will run(the conditions only) every second but this is not taxing on the engine since you wont have it check a ton of conditions(and assuming there isn't other abilities like this on the player).

For the conditions on the ability, you can either choose to have the script do its thing during a certain time period(GameHour >= 15.00 AND GameHour <= 21.00 for example) or use GetRandomInt/Float.

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Good morning/evening everyone!


I'm looking for someone who is more experienced in Papyrus than I (read: just about anyone) to give me a hand in creating a script for my follower mod. What I want is for the follower to, at semi-random intervals, occasionally "toss" (give) items like potions, gold, and other small items to the player. Think Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite. I've got a small script, but it runs every time the player changes location, and that is obviously not ideal. If anyone could help, that would be great! I would have course credit you and add you as co-author. For reference, this is the mod in its current (public) form:



Thanks to anyone interested!


If this is for a specific follower, what I'd do is make use of the RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime function and OnUpdateGameTime events. I'd probably put it in a quest script that would also control any dialogue associated with giving those items. Register for an update; once the update happens, set a flag to allow the giving-of-stuff dialogue to be allowed, and when the giving happens, register for the next game update. Possibly run a check to see if they're currently a follower, if you want.

Edited by foamyesque
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Thank you to both of you, but I have absolutely no idea how to do what either of you suggested. Today was the first time in my life I've ever actually seen a Papyrus script, and with exams coming up, I have absolutely no time to devote to learning another language.

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Papyrus is aggravating as hell bullshit SCRIPTING language, and can't be compared to REAL languages like C, C++ and Python. /rant

It wont take much time to learn it when you get the chance. IMO its far too limiting to do anything on a large scale without constantly finding ways to go around its silly limitations that you'd recognize as something you can easily get around with a real language.

The creator himself even said it was created for puzzles and didn't expect people to use it to the extent that they have.

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