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Creation Kit Issues


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Hey there. I have been experiencing some difficulties when using the creation kit.


1. When i try to paint textures on the terrain lots of them turn black when leaving a cell( i think). So they look normal in one cell but black on the adiacent one.

2. It does not seem to save my max grids to load preference. It always defaults to 5.

3. Some of the larger objects disappear in game( like cliffs and such). If i reload the game ,the ones around me reappear,but some from farther away might disappear.


I was wondering if any of you guys have these problems and if there is a way to fix them( especially the texture one....i can;t paint my terrain)


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Fixed number 2 by modifying the Editor.ini directly.


I have so much trouble with #3 also. My current temporary workaround is either:


1. Doubleclick the cliff, opening its properties, and then just leave that window open somewhere. The cliff will remain visible. If you have to move it, double click it again and then remove its properties window.


2. Just turn on wireframe, and then at least you have an idea where cliffs are.


If I figure out a solution to this, ill be sure to pass it on.

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Fixed number 2 by modifying the Editor.ini directly.


I have so much trouble with #3 also. My current temporary workaround is either:


1. Doubleclick the cliff, opening its properties, and then just leave that window open somewhere. The cliff will remain visible. If you have to move it, double click it again and then remove its properties window.


2. Just turn on wireframe, and then at least you have an idea where cliffs are.


If I figure out a solution to this, ill be sure to pass it on.


While you're in the CK, you can just hit F5 to force the render window to display properly. It can take a couple of seconds to load.


However, I think the OP was talking about when actually in the game. And I have run into the same problem, still don't know how to fix it.

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The black painting was a problem I was recently having until someone explained it to me. The cell that's getting painted black already has 6 textures assigned to it. You need to remove/replace one of the textures in order to free up a slot for the texture you want to paint. You can view the textures by left clicking on the terrain while in terrain edit mode, and hitting the i key. it'll show you what textures are loaded, and you can delete one of the less used ones to free up a texture slot.
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The black painting was a problem I was recently having until someone explained it to me. The cell that's getting painted black already has 6 textures assigned to it. You need to remove/replace one of the textures in order to free up a slot for the texture you want to paint. You can view the textures by left clicking on the terrain while in terrain edit mode, and hitting the i key. it'll show you what textures are loaded, and you can delete one of the less used ones to free up a texture slot.


Oh My god you are a life saver. That was indeed the problem. I just raised the ocean floor off coast for my island. Who thought the ocean floor was a cluster**** of textures :rolleyes: . Oh Beth... Now only number 3 remains,which is only annoying in game , so not that high prio.

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Check "Is Full LOD" in properties for disappearing objects, that fixes the problem, but they will be obviously at full LOD at any distance)

Another huge issue is grass, after landscaping and land retexturing old grass still floats at the same height and doesn't change in any way! In CK and in game.

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Floating Grass Fix

The Bug

A problem with grass textures not updating correctly. This fix will make your animated grass behave correctly in the CK, as well as in-game.

For the Game

Open up both Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini and at the bottom of the [Grass] section add/alter this:




For the Editor

In the skyrim installion folder open SkyrimEditor.ini and at the bottom of the [Grass] section add:



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