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[LE] Is there quick method in papyrus to check if a non-actor is inside a trigger?

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You need to change the Collision Layer in the Primitive tab on the Trigger's reference(the form placed in the world.)

Collision Layer is under the Miscellaneous tree in the CK. You can create your own collision layer add the L_STATIC(or even L_CLUTTER) and check "Senser" and "Trigger Volume" so that it shows up in the drop down on the trigger's reference.

Edited by Lisselli
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You need to change the Collision Layer in the Primitive tab on the Trigger's reference(the form placed in the world.)


Collision Layer is under the Miscellaneous tree in the CK. You can create your own collision layer add the L_STATIC(or even L_CLUTTER) and check "Senser" and "Trigger Volume" so that it shows up in the drop down on the trigger's reference.



I too was racking my brain trying to figure out this one, until Jokerine pointed me to this post and Dio clarified a bit more.


Thank you.


In my case, i just needed to change the primitive layer to L_Trigger to get my script to detect an object (a giant beach ball). :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thx for the quick reply, though, I am using L_Trigger ( and I've also created a all-in-one layer that includes every other layers) .

Regarding the detection, I had the trigger box following player (ref.moveto), and it can be triggered by non-static objects, but not those static ones like houses and such.

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