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Getting TOP to work without CK


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(TOP : http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/978/?)


Hello there.


Shortly after F4 released, I acquired it and seeing as it was not running very smoothly around the city, I got FAR & TOP which both worked very nicely and made me win a lot of fps. However at that time, modding wasn't fully supported iirc, and installing TOP was a matter of drag & dropping files and modifying a few lines (I remember specifically something about editing a line as such : sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\).


I stopped playing and I'm coming back now, and I see TOP needs something quite complicated with the Creation Kit to be installed. To me, however, nothing seems different in the file structure, and I'm thinking it should be possible to just drag & drop files into Data, as it was before. But I also know with the CK & bethesda's patches & dlcs (which I have), things may have changed.


Here's the question : though I understand it might make loadings slower (I have an SSD anyway so not too important for me), can I install TOP by putting the decompressed files in my Data folder instead of packaging them through CK ? If so, should I use the old .ini edit thing cited above (which I don't see being used anywhere nowadays hence my doubt) ?


If I understand correctly, I should be able to do that, and the line editing basically tells the game to look for its texture files elsewhere than in the .ba2 files, but since the first time I did this, some lines have appeared (all these http://i.imgur.com/IrWRT2g.png).


I'd appreciate it very much if someone could give a few guiding tips on how to get TOP to work without the complicated stuff with CK. Or if it's not possible at all, I guess I'll have to do it with CK.


Thanks for your help.

Edited by Servietsky
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Alright little update, I tried unpacking everything in the data folder and using the .ini edit, and compared with screenshots in town. Look at this :

Without : http://i.imgur.com/c2M9RWt.jpg

With : http://i.imgur.com/TLL3yfx.jpg


It seems to work. The textures are indeed lower res, but ... well, no visible gain on the fps. I'm unsure why this is, because I remember clearly gaining some fps & fixing the micro stuttering near town back then.


So, I seem to have gotten it to work without CK, but I'm now perplexed because the expected fps gain (at least 3 fps) didn't happen.

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