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KS Hairdos + CK texture error


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So I've recently been working on adding one of my characters as a follower using the creation kit, and I came across this error in which my character gets these strange purple highlight-like colors in her hair.

I don't know how easy it will be to see in the screenshot, but there are tinges of purple in her hair that are not supposed to be there. I know KS hairdos uses an additional hairline mesh you have to add, which I did. I'm not sure if this may have been the source of the error, or possibly a texture error, or maybe even just an error in the hair color itself.




Help would be greatly appreciated,

thank you

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it might be missing a normal map; or it is corrupt. try opening the hair texture normalmap file (i use paint.net) and inspect the normalmap for any imperfections. if it says it's unable to load, that's a good sign something is wrong with that file.

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