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Fallout 3 Mesh Missing id 10013b77 "ACCESS"?


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Hello, i got the red sign of a missing mesh but i cant figure out with mod is? and is driving me crazy, and it sounds like static like a radio in static. but i dont know

this is my load order, can you help me please











FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Alternate Travel.esp=0

Mart's Mutant Mod.esm=1


Project Beauty.esm=1


Point Lookout Reborn.esm=1

A Devil's Wish.esp=1

AlienResurrection Part 1.esm=1





teslaPA -retextured.esp=1

dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1

Bornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.esp=1

Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp=1

Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp=1

dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore PointLookout.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore The Pitt.esp=1

FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore Zeta.esp=1

dD-Less Screen Blood Time.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp=1

Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp=1

Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp=1


WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp=1

WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp=1

WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp=1

WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp=1

WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp=1

WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp=1







FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp=0

Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp=0

Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp=0

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp=0






Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp=1

Realistic Interior Lighting.esp=1

Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp=1

Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp=1

FO3 RWL GOTY.esp=1

FO3 Realistic Wasteland Lighting.esp=0







UPP - Experience Perks.esp=1

UPP - Pack 1.esp=1

UPP - Pack 2.esp=1

UPP - Quest Perks.esp=1

FWE weapons pack.esp=1





Wasteland Soldier Armor.esp=1

A Devil's Wish - Patch v1_4.esp=1




Bobblehead Quest.esp=1





Max Level 99.esp=1

Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp=1

Revamped Leveling - FWE.esp=1

Flora Overhaul.esp=1


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First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.


Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.


The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:








Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.


For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.

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First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.


Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.


The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:








Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.


For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.

Hello and thanks, your info is really usefull. So if i understand correctly i need to remove the unused esp.


2. If the first 2 number of the id is 10 in my load order the problem is apparently EVE right?


3. You mentioned correct my load order. Can you helpme a lityle bit with that please?


Again thanks. And please help me if you can.

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First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.


Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.


The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:








Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.


For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.

Hello and thanks, your info is really usefull. So if i understand correctly i need to remove the unused esp.


2. If the first 2 number of the id is 10 in my load order the problem is apparently EVE right?


3. You mentioned correct my load order. Can you helpme a lityle bit with that please?


Again thanks. And please help me if you can.


If you have the correct ID number (it is very hard to get the number with the error symbol), then yes, it would appear EVE is causing the problem.


Darn UI should be one of the first .esp to load. Fellout should be one of the last.


Compatibility patches must load after the last mod that is being patched. Blackened should be the last .esp before your merged patch. Do not include Blackened in the merged patch.


Do not uninstall the Mart's Mutant Mod .esp. Just remove them from your data file. The mesh and texture files have to remain in the game.


Read the mod pages for further help.

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First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.


Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.


The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:








Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.


For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.


Hello and thanks, your info is really usefull. So if i understand correctly i need to remove the unused esp.

2. If the first 2 number of the id is 10 in my load order the problem is apparently EVE right?

3. You mentioned correct my load order. Can you helpme a lityle bit with that please?

Again thanks. And please help me if you can.

If you have the correct ID number (it is very hard to get the number with the error symbol), then yes, it would appear EVE is causing the problem.


Darn UI should be one of the first .esp to load. Fellout should be one of the last.


Compatibility patches must load after the last mod that is being patched. Blackened should be the last .esp before your merged patch. Do not include Blackened in the merged patch.


Do not uninstall the Mart's Mutant Mod .esp. Just remove them from your data file. The mesh and texture files have to remain in the game.


Read the mod pages for further help.

Thabks i am gonna try that, and will tell you. I rsged and unistall everything so it would take me a little while. Thanks. Ill post the results in here.

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So i installed ever




First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.

Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.

The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:


Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.

For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.

Hello and thanks, your info is really usefull. So if i understand correctly i need to remove the unused esp.

2. If the first 2 number of the id is 10 in my load order the problem is apparently EVE right?

3. You mentioned correct my load order. Can you helpme a lityle bit with that please?

Again thanks. And please help me if you can.


If you have the correct ID number (it is very hard to get the number with the error symbol), then yes, it would appear EVE is causing the problem.


Darn UI should be one of the first .esp to load. Fellout should be one of the last.


Compatibility patches must load after the last mod that is being patched. Blackened should be the last .esp before your merged patch. Do not include Blackened in the merged patch.


Do not uninstall the Mart's Mutant Mod .esp. Just remove them from your data file. The mesh and texture files have to remain in the game.


Read the mod pages for further help.


ything again, step by step, mod by mod and MERC 2 was the problem. everithing is fine now. Thanks!

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First you need to clean-up and correct your load list. Remove any unused plugins.

Go back to the FWE, MMM, Blackened, Paradox Ignition mod pages and read them this time. If you do not understand the instructions, you should not be using the mods.

The order of the DLCs must be in the order they were released:


Any plugins for DLCs must be in the same order.

For the missing mesh, the first two numbers of the ID are number associated with the location of the plugin in your load order, with Fallout3.esm being #00.

Hello and thanks, your info is really usefull. So if i understand correctly i need to remove the unused esp.

2. If the first 2 number of the id is 10 in my load order the problem is apparently EVE right?

3. You mentioned correct my load order. Can you helpme a lityle bit with that please?

Again thanks. And please help me if you can.


If you have the correct ID number (it is very hard to get the number with the error symbol), then yes, it would appear EVE is causing the problem.


Darn UI should be one of the first .esp to load. Fellout should be one of the last.


Compatibility patches must load after the last mod that is being patched. Blackened should be the last .esp before your merged patch. Do not include Blackened in the merged patch.


Do not uninstall the Mart's Mutant Mod .esp. Just remove them from your data file. The mesh and texture files have to remain in the game.


Read the mod pages for further help.


ey buddy, this is my new load order what do you think. and also im getting Random crashes like every IDK 30 mins. what can i do.

FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esm=1
Mart's Mutant Mod.esm=1
Project Beauty.esm=1
A Devil's Wish.esp=1
AlienResurrection Part 1.esm=1
Point Lookout Reborn.esm=1
Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp=1
Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp=1
Bornagain Outcast T-45d Texture Patch.esp=1
Chems and Meds Re-Textures Pack.esp=1
teslaPA -retextured.esp=1
Wasteland Soldier Armor.esp=1
Flora Overhaul.esp=1
A Devil's Wish - Patch v1_4.esp=1
Bobblehead Quest.esp=1
Max Level 99.esp=1
Dree Perks.esp=1
Dree Perks Anchorage.esp=1
Dree Perks Pitts.esp=1
Dree Perks Broken Steel.esp=1
Dree Perks Point Lookout.esp=1
Dree Perks Mothership Zeta.esp=1
Dree Perks Requested by Fans .esp=1
UPP - Experience Perks.esp=1
UPP - Pack 1.esp=1
UPP - Pack 2.esp=1
UPP - Quest Perks.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-Less Screen Blood Time.esp=1
dD-More Gore-BrokenSteel.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Main File.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC The Pitt.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced (BrokenSteel).esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore The Pitt.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore PointLookout.esp=1
FO3 Wanderers Edition - More Gore Zeta.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp=1
Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp=1
Blackened FWE + MMM + EVE + Project Beauty.esp=1
WeaponModKits - FWE Master Release.esp=1
WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp=1
WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp=1
WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp=1
WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp=1
WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp=1
Revamped Leveling - FWE.esp=1
FWE weapons pack.esp=1
Realistic Interior Lighting.esp=1
Realistic Interior Lighting - OA.esp=1
Realistic Interior Lighting - BS.esp=1
Realistic Interior Lighting - PL.esp=1
FO3 RWL GOTY.esp=1
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I don't think you understand the instructions for using the Blackened patch.


Please read the instructions for Blackened and the instructions for the Paradox Ignition patch.

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I don't think you understand the instructions for using the Blackened patch.


Please read the instructions for Blackened and the instructions for the Paradox Ignition patch.

im really sorry i just cant understand what you are trying to say to me about Paradox and blackened, i just guess that. You want me to use Paradox merges to clean all those ESP to just 1 esp. like all of the MMM's to just the 1 ESP Paradox, fellout, more perks, etc. and with Blackened i ust dont understand, the only thing i noticed is EVE that is only the paradox ignition version should be used with blackened, but in the EVE's page there is an OLD version with that name and they tell us that dont use that version, that the new version have alreathy that patch, is in the new version so i ise Blackened. If not I just dont know and i please tell you to havepatience and if you can explain to me what i have to do. can you help me proper? telling me what to do? i dont think it took you more than a few minutes to write it down! please!

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I don't know how I can say it plainer than this: "Note that, as of version 3.3 of this mod, any and all MMM-related can only be used in conjuction the Paradox Ignition merged version of Marts Mutant Mod. Failure to do so will result in your game crashing on startup." Direct quote from the Blackened description page.


And from Paradox Ignition: Installation

  • Go to the original mod's page first and install it
  • Remove the esps/esms from your FO3 data folder that were installed from the original mod (not all merges includes optionals so read lower for what the merge replaces)
  • Install a merged mod from this page
  • Tick it in your mod manager


If you do not understand these instructions, then you should not be using these mods.

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