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Can this be done without a script?

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I can't believe my own eyes it's flickering finally and yesterday i just did a test with the candlelight spell but i never thought about testing the mage light spell since they are both using the same light, the only difference is that mage light delivery method is aimed instead of self!


So the light flickering FX is working but only with the magelight aimed system meaning that it is useless for lantern, will have to see if other method like target actor could make it possible to cast the light on the lantern.


I find it strange that it is working this way and not on the candlelight spell.


Will get back testing various delivery method.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 6:43 AM, thumbincubation said:

That is odd. I wonder about the stationary magelights, like you find in the midden.

That very odd indeed and i did test with target location and we can target any object with it and the flickering still work perfectly well. I was just reading the magic effect wiki to have a better understanding of all the casting methods and i am not sure about what they mean by constant effect, they say it is working only on armor and abilities so i wonder how you can cast it on an armor piece aka our lantern?


I never went in the Midden since i only played like 15 hr of the game so far(go ahead laugh at me), i will check what type of light is used on this magelight.


I will also make a quick video and post it on Bethesda.net as an obvious bug but knowing Bethesda this will probably get ignored.


Just went in the Midden and unfortunately the light flickering is not working at all.


Another thing we can try is changing the light form and test every one that have flicker already working on the candlelight version of the spell.

Edited by dovapix
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So far all the one i have test work with the aimed & target system but i just realize i was not thinking about the nif file flags for these magic effect so i will investigate on this tomorrow and see if maybe a flag is responsible to make them work like this.


At least we are getting closer to a solution.


OK after reading the wiki i now understand how the constant casting type work it have to be done via enchantment instead of spell so it can be apply to an armor part, that make sense and i will try this tomorrow because now i am really tired.

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Here we go again for another round of test and so far it is disappointing, i was able to make an enchant on the iron helmet and when wearing it it's emit light perfectly but again no flickering fx.


The magic effect casting type and delivery only work with a aimed type for the light FX to work, anything stationary do not work unfortunately.


I remember being able to fix something on another game with hexeditor so i think i will have to give it a try to see if i can locate how they attach the light to the torch.nif.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 8:54 PM, thumbincubation said:

At this point, you're far beyond my abilities, but I'll be here for moral support.


Thank mate and i am going to try another goofy idea with nifskope. I load the torch.nif in the hex editor and i cannot see anything related to light so far but i am not an expert in hex.


At least i can confirm that you can enchant any armor part or weapon and it is working like a charm with the technique in this thread : https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/960314-attaching-light-to-object-dynamically-with-papyrus/


If only i was more experience with scripting i would probably find a way to make this work.


Not dropping the glove yet but after i try what i have in mind i will quit and do the simple torch lantern replacement since this work and after all it is more realistic to have your hand occupied with a lantern and fight with the other as intended from the beginning.


This is such a disappointment since the flickering FX is doing a sea of difference compared to dull static light.


Back to testing last resort solutions.

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Now i am trying to use Flore technique and replace the equip torch behaviors with an idle animation for the lantern so i will have to dig in his documentation to see if i can do it since i have work a few month with ffm and state machines in Unity engine so it should be familiar.


Replacing the torch anim for idle should not be that hard if there is not a zillions files with bad naming convention!

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Little update about progress, seem like Fnis help documentation is not easy to understand even to make simple change i cannot see any clear information on how to change that animation from loading when equipping the lantern and i tried looking for tutorial and as usual nothing except how to install.


I did not tried yet to load the Fnis generator for modders and maybe this is what i am looking for.


My nifskope new test were a complete failure since you cannot transform an armor.nif into a weapon.nif, i have tried almost every method of copy and paste for the various nodes and nothing work.


When you look in the CK the armor.nif have a different structure than the weapon.nif so first i tried to copy all the torch nodes inside the iron helmet.nif and this simply ctd upon load and then i tried to modify the torch.nif by making it look like an armor.nif and this was working in game but still have the torch animation loaded.


So my conclusion are that the torch.nif is hardcoded and there is no way to fool the engine trying to make it mimic another nif block structure.


If it was the unity game engine i would have it working in less than a day! Oh well back to trying to understand how Fnis work and if i cannot use it then i will put an end to this extensive effort to make this thing work.

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