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What do you think should be in a "Hard Core" mod?


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I love eating , sleeping and strictly no fast traveling in this game, but i cant help wish for a mod to control me in my moments of weakness and Skyrim to be a harsher world for me to climb up in. . What do you think belongs in such a mod? For me the concept of "hard core" is not directly about making combat and the game more difficult as such but about changing many other things that would lead into combat and the game being more difficult.

for example

DISEASES - should mean something, diseases should only be able to be cured by one shrine, That combined with no fast travel means getting a disease forces you to travel far away to the one place that can cure that disease. The disease would stay with you longer, curing it would be a big deal.

WEIGHT - should mean more, I shouldn't be able to lug around 5 chestplates of steel, 50 potions and 10 bear pelts etc . This would have 3 beneficial effects 1- you would put more thought into the gear you own (rather than walk around with a backup set with all anti cold/shock/fire/smithing enchantments etc ) 2- with less choice to swap around with combat would be a bit harder and most importantly 3- money would be harder to get, one loots gems and gold not helmets and cheastplates. ( maybe having a horse could dramatically increase your weight allowance for hoarders) this leads into

MONEY- should be harder to accumulate- This would have several good effects, extending the interest in a character (right now i usually get rich, overpowered and thus bored around level 35) make combat more difficult (wouldn't have all the best gear enchanted with grand souls etc), slow down enchantment- breaking something to learn the enchantment should be a real sacrifice, and finding treasure would mean a lot more.

this would also make playing an imperial a decent choice.


Of course Hard Core should also factor in

SLEEP- reduced stamina/magika? if you go on for longer than ....16 hours? without sleep

FOOD and DRINK- same as above?

NO FAST Traveling - goes without saying i guess, I would personally keep the carriages for (known) city to city travel but they need to be much more expensive.


What else do you think belongs in such a mod?

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Fast travel makes the game less tedious, not easier. I personally think that should be optional.


To be truly "hard core," it should:


1) Enforce slow healing over time.

2) You eat or you soon lose stamina. If you stop eating for an extended period of time, you slowly lose health.

3) You sleep at least one-third of the time or you lose stamina regen and slowly lose stamina. If you go without sleep for too long, you pass out at some random time.

4) Everything has weight, including gold. It is gold, after all.


That should be plenty enough to keep some poor modder busy for a while.

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