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How to teleport to New Worldspace ?


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Okay the easy way to do this:

Double klick the door so you get the edit window open, after which you go to where-ever you want to teleport it, add another door there and now you check the teleport from the edit box you opened earlier. Now you klick "select reference in render window" and you then double klick the partner door that you want to link with the other. Now all you have to do is move door markers away from the doors so that you don't appear inside the door.


Hope it explained it to you ;)

Edited by stuges
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  • 2 months later...
You should create a world hook-up in Skyrim (worldspace Tamriel or any of the other worldspaces) somewhere by just creating a teleport door that links to a door in your new world-space. That's how I did it. Or you could create a fast-travel marker in the new world-space or create an interior which also has a teleport door into the new worldspace. I think the first option is the most logical and straight forward, since you're going to need to create a link to the province of Skyrim anyway sooner or later to have it in embedded in the game.
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