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Skyrim Nexus Feedback


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Some feedback I have is this:

The Issue: When you block certain tags on the nexus such as followers and skimpy armors etc, you can still sometimes see a follower or a slutty follower with huge tits on the hotfiles. This is because the mod author didn't tag his mod as a follower.

Potential fix: Include categories in the blocking function. For example: If you block Followers, you don't only block the tags, you also block the follower category.

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I am not understanding a follower mod that is not tagged as a follower not sure that's possible perhaps an example? Also how does one define slooty by the way they look and or dress? or by the way they act? last I knew it was actions not dress...Perhaps if adult files are whats bothering you or others you should just block all adult files then...right? Remember Skyrim has an age rating all ready on it at the time of purchase so it is assumed it is bought and used not by children but by adults. I have not involved myself in the whole slooty controversy because I don't get it. I guess I don't understand why people are bothered by bikini mods that make hot files in one day due to large numbers of downloads clearly that is what the masses want. Just because someone made a mod some don't approve of does not mean the author did not work hard on it and deserves the same respect as every mod here . Also I don't understand people are offended by bikinis but it does not offended them to kill, hack, and decapitate people in Skyrim.. Kinda hypocritical that's why I never got involved.

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I think what he's saying is that not all authors add tags to their mods which leads to mods getting past block filters. You can choose a category for your mods without adding extra tags that limit/expand the search filter, so potentially any mod you think you've filtered can still get bypass your filter because it isn't correctly tagged for the search function - at least that's how it would seem to work, I'm not a Nexus admin of course.


The content you don't want to see is the content you don't want to see, adult or otherwise. Some people hate gore and use mods to filter it out, others want more gore. Some people have strong reactions to blood and want to make sure they see as little as possible. Others don't want hanging labia and breasts that could feed calves in their games. It's not so much about offense as personal taste - not to mention the various psychological impacts of adult themes which, in theory, search filters should allow you to account for.


Category blocks are a reasonable solution. It's a shame that one might miss out on a lot of content with such inelegant search functions, but that's the compromise you'd have to make. Another option would be better or more obvious guidelines for tagging, smart tagging based on words in the mod title or description (harder, probably flawed), or forcing an uploader to include at least one tag.

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Response to "woodsman30":


Okay you don't understand it. Alright. I understand why I don't want followers cluttering up the hotfiles. Firstly I don't use followers, secondly 99% of the followers on the hotfiles are always skimpy armor followers, or huge tits, naked women etc etc. I don't want any of that because it's not lore friendly. I have blocked the follower tag and the skimpy and sex files but still I get followers showing up on the nexus hotfiles BECAUSE the mod author hasn't TAGGED the mod as a follower or as skimpy armor/sex/boobs etc. That is why I made this post. I want nexus to block categories since that way I will never see any more followers on the hotfiles.


The way it is right now is basically like this - me and a few other people who don't want these skimpy and slutty followers have to tag the mods as followers and/or skimpy. If 3 people tag it as followers or skimpy then it wont be shown to people who have that tag blocked. Most mod authors that make follower mods put tags in their mod but a few don't and that's the problem. You said "How does one define slooty by the way they look and dress?" Simple. If their tits are hanging out and they have huge asses etc. It's just NOT lore friendly.


Here's an example:


This picture is an actual follower that was featured on the hot files before:




Do you find that lore friendly? Do you find that intentionally skimpy? I ceirtanly do. That's exactly what I don't want to see in my hotfiles.


You said "Perhaps if adult files are whats bothering you or others you should just block all adult files then...right?". I already explained that I have blocked the followers and skimpy armors but they still show up on the hotpage because the mod authors don't tag their files properly. Also, adult files don't bother me. What bothers me is that currently the nexus is mass producing followers and have been doing so for some time now. I never use followers and since slutty followers are more popular than for example a good creative and lore friendly mod I choose to block these types of mods so that I can get to see other good and lore friendly mods.


"I guess I don't understand why people are bothered by bikini mods that make hot files on one day due to large numbers of downloads". Well now you know.


"Just because someone made a mod some don't approve of does not mean the author did not work hard on it and deserves the same respect as every mod here" Umm... ofcourse? I never stated otherwise.


"Also I don't understand why people are offended by bikinis but it does nto offend them to kill, hack, and decapitate people in Skyrim.." I'm not offended in the slightest, I don't know where you got that information from...

Edited by morogoth35
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I just changed my settings ..never tried before... to exclude skimpy and adult files it works for the most part it will not show those types of mods all I get is error message. Your example http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75333/? does not show anything on the front mod page that could be considered offensive no more so than vanilla fore-sworn armor would be. Only when I go to user images do I find your example that is the image sharer not mod author.

I was not addressing that you were offended.. about offensive in general. I guess I am still back to square one but, that's ok. I enjoy mods all of them I am just happy that people share what they made don't matter what it is if I don't like it I just don't click it..

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Your example http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75333/? does not show anything on the front mod page that could be considered offensive no more so than vanilla fore-sworn armor would be. Only when I go to user images do I find your example that is the image sharer not mod author.


So? Like what is it you are trying to say? If you look at mod reviews on that mod specifically the follower says that you can drink her breast milk. I don't understand why you say that because my point was never to filter out stuff that is offensive. Not in the slightest. I just don't want to see followers. But most of all, I don't want to see skimpy followers.

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Seriously, simple point: search filters aren't filtering because people don't tag their mods appropriately. This is a problem, in the sense that they are not performing their function as intended, rather than "oh no I need to set my eyes on fire." Better search filters would help to address the issue.

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Seriously, simple point: search filters aren't filtering because people don't tag their mods appropriately. This is a problem, in the sense that they are not performing their function as intended, rather than "oh no I need to set my eyes on fire." Better search filters would help to address the issue.

Exactly. Thank you!

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Searches in general have issues not just here every where searches can be made ....example turn of safe search in a search engine and just type "mom" it won't be what you think would come up. I don't think it can be fixed with out a detailed scrutiny of every single mod, post, and picture. The man hours involved to tag every post, every picture, and every mod would be staggering considering there is over 52,000 mods in Skyrim alone. I do research all the time and key words may get responses or results I don't want but I choose not to look at those responses or results and use ones I wanted... At the end of the day it really is up to you and only you to choose what mods you look at and or use.

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I haven't blocked any tags. Skyrim nexus has over 50k mods. I certainly won't use 50k mods and I am certainly not interested in using a good 98% of them.

I have never been angered by a mod type. There are more important things in life to be worried about. What it sounds like to me is intolerance. I don't agree with what morogoth35 has to say here, but that doesn't mean I should put him in the ignore user list just because I don't agree.

If a female dressed in revealing clothing is upsetting to you I would recommend not playing Daggerfall (Warning pixilated boobies) or Morrowind and it's strip club/drug den. One could argue that Skyrim is not lore friendly in regards to how people are portrayed.

Is ESO lore friendly because it has a naked Nord? borrowing the idea from Morrowind's naked Nords.


If you don't like something in your game that's fine, but please don't use the immersion or lore friendly card. Technically Skyrim is unlore friendly and unimmersive based on this book. http://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Children_of_the_Sky


Also, saying "slutty follower with huge tits." Sounds an awful lot like shaming to me. Are you saying a woman is shameful because she has large breasts or because her breasts are exposed? Are the naked Nords in ESO and Morrowind slutty?

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