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Getting seriously annoyed by people disrespecting anime mods...


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To each their own.


There really needs to be a section specifically for mods like this though. I really don't need to "give anime mods a chance" at all. I already know I don't like them, but there is no way to filter them out.


Edit: It does seem kinda silly for people to post harsh negativity in the comments section for a mod they don't like.


Filters won't help block featured or top 100 though on main pages, so the minority will still see and be unhappy. :ohdear:

Edited by thesapien
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I hate Anime, period. Every body mod seems to focus off of anime though, which really ticks me off. I hope Skyrim doesn't turn into a paradise for anime mods, or I quit modding forever.


You shouldn't quit modding simply because other people have different tastes; if someone likes anime mods then let them download or make them; it is their creative freedom. You can simply stick with make the mods that you like and downloading the mods that you like; no one is pointing a gun at your head and forcing you to download or make anime mods.


I personally do like certain anime mods and others I do not like. To me mods are mods, and it does not matter if they are anime based or not anime based. For example: I dislike mods that make my female character follow the so called "the less it covers the higher the armor rating" theory, but I tend to like having small characters wield gigantic weapons that look like they weigh (and hit like) a truck as I find it quite humorous.


I do not understand why people despise mods simply because they are "anime" based; you can find them distasteful but to have utter pure hatred for them (to the point where you must express it to the disdain of users of said mod)?

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Ok, with the possibility of being called a troll again, I`d just like to ask 2 questions -


1.) Why import anime inspired content into a game that dosen`t fit the genre, if you can actually go and play an anime themed game? There`s lots of them floating about. Isn`t that something of a cheap substitute?


2.) How come there are no realism inspired mods for anime games, and yet there are many anime mods for non-anime games?

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Ok, with the possibility of being called a troll again, I`d just like to ask 2 questions -


1.) Why import anime inspired content into a game that dosen`t fit the genre, if you can actually go and play an anime themed game? There`s lots of them floating about. Isn`t that something of a cheap substitute?


2.) How come there are no realism inspired mods for anime games, and yet there are many anime mods for non-anime games?


1.) To me, anime is more of the art style (a story is a story; it can be told in a completely different art style and still be a good story); everyone has their own personal preference in art style and simply tweaking a game to suit their personal preference is what modding is. In addition, I generally do not find many anime themed game (or any at all) to be as open-worlded as Skyrim or other Bethesda game for that matter. Furthermore, if we were to take the concept of "a story is a story" and apply it to video games then: a video game is a video game; it can be done in a completely different art style and still be a good game.


2.) This may be more due to the size of the mod community and the support for modding of said games; Bethesda does give the community tools like the Creation Kit. Other points I made in answer #1 could also apply for question #2.


Plus, most "anime themed" games tend to stay in Japan so that causes quite a bit of difficulty of actually playing them.

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Ok, with the possibility of being called a troll again, I`d just like to ask 2 questions -


1.) Why import anime inspired content into a game that dosen`t fit the genre, if you can actually go and play an anime themed game? There`s lots of them floating about. Isn`t that something of a cheap substitute?


2.) How come there are no realism inspired mods for anime games, and yet there are many anime mods for non-anime games?


It's not trolling when the thread is asking for it. I say this because I used the term "troll" earlier in this thread but was referring to those who comment on mods they don't like. Those trolls might see this thread and definitely want to pop in. Nevertheless, none are trolls under this particular thread.


As to your questions, I don't know. No one can speak for everyone. Personally, I haven't found any anime mods that do seem to fit well into the style of Skyrim. But, I've also noticed my favorite Witcher2 import mods don't seem to fit either. Right now, I'm currently going with a Lara Croft/Tomb Raider combo of mods that actually seems to fit extremely well. I would be playing the new Lara Croft instead, but it's not out yet.

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