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Spell categories



  1. 1. Hexes, curses, debuffs belong in which category?

    • Destruction
    • Alteration
    • Conjuration
    • Illusion
    • Restoration

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I think it's going to depend on the nature of the spell, rather than just the mechanic. If the spell summons a spirit who hovers around the enemy, slowing them down, that's conjuration. If the spell constitutes lighting zapping them and reducing their movement speed or stamina recovery, that's destruction, regardless of the lack of HP loss. If it's a spell creating a mental illusion that distracts the enemy constantly, reducing their one-handed, two-handed, and block, that's illusion.

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I accidentally made the poll public, it's private now. So vote!


I think it's going to depend on the nature of the spell, rather than just the mechanic. If the spell summons a spirit who hovers around the enemy, slowing them down, that's conjuration. If the spell constitutes lighting zapping them and reducing their movement speed or stamina recovery, that's destruction, regardless of the lack of HP loss. If it's a spell creating a mental illusion that distracts the enemy constantly, reducing their one-handed, two-handed, and block, that's illusion.

Just in general. If you were asked to put debuffs in a category and that was all the info you had, where would you put them?

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Well, it wouldn't be Destruction since that school is more focused on straightforward damage. It wouldn't be Illusion either since you're not influencing a persons mind or abusing their senses. Nor would it be Restoration because duh. Curses and hexes and the like actually doesn't fit into any school of magic Skyrim offers imo. This was actually a difficult question.


It would probably be somewhere in the middle of Conjuration and Alteration.

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