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Does all the violence we see contribute to society

Breton Thief Oriana

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if you live in the U.S., youve probably seen over 2000 ways to kill, maim, or otherwise maliciously hurt someone, just by reading the newspaper. i myself, i dont see how this helps forward society. we have enough war, corruption, and hatered. this touches with every crime people commit. how are inspirations made? by those before us. we get an idea, think everything will go perfect. it doesnt, we lose, and then another person thinks they are better so they modify until our entire civilization leads to chaos. and i think its because of people who cant see a difference between right and wrong. as put, "any country is only as good as the people who have stolen it". its not that we can or should eliminate violence completely, its that we should understand the difference between it for hate and it for necessity, such as the current war in Iraq, which i feel is more for hate. not that its predescessor in Afghanastan was good, because all war is virtually about hate, but that war was necessary and justified for wrongings.


edit: actually, i mean that only SOME parts of that war were necessary. others were just mainly to aid the orriginal cause. but i dont support bush, because he has a stroke of luck and BS about him that will make him cause world war three when he is elected this year. (I really dont see any hope that he wont be, arent i ever the optimist!) and i dont support all the wool he pulled over our eyes to cause the Iraq war, with all the death it brought. i think our nation is the most violent, and its sad that there arent more people that think we should tone it down a little. remember the South Park movie? when the canadian was debateing with Sheila and said, to the extent, that americans see mucho violence every day, but were angered about the dirty words. to an extent, its really like that. just not quite the same way. its not just dirty words and lewd humor, its includes nudity also. and if you mix them, you're sure to get squelched. but you see all the movies about anger/killing/etc that get a rating of only PG-13.....and it has things like decapatation and gore! its nuts, its crazy, its all existant. and it shouldnt be this strong. (and evidently many people here agree with me, since its been all day and no one has told me that im wrong, or that im overreacting....and thats what is really sad! if no one is so pasionately denounceing my cynnicism, we are in dreadful times...)

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I agree with you, but what does the title have to do with what you're saying?


And, taking the title a different way:


Videogames. They claim that they make us kill people and do other bad things. Lieberman [AKA the devil, satan, lucifer, el diablo, der teufel, richard simmons] says that GTA is like, pure evil itself; he just got a sweet little addition to his platform, called Manhunt.


It's a load of bullsh*t.


A teen was put on trial for killin [injuring?] a motorcyclist with a shotgun. He claims that GTA: VC made him do it. HE claims that he didnt think it would hurt them.


YOu do not play a violent game, go kill someone, and say:


"I didn't think shooting someone several times in the chest with a FREAKING SHOTGUN* would hurt them."


The only way you could say that is if oyu were mentally ill, in which case you should be put in an asylum.


In hsort, videogames do not make people ill other people.



*I added the freaking and uppercase parts to emphasize how stupid you would have to be to say this.

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ok, so maybe i go in all different directions when i speak. but I see a connection in how people see fake violence, absorb it, considder it no big deal, and then see real violence and take it the same way. people die all over the world, and no one seems to care because of all they've seen. this I feel shows how what we see contributes to society, as i put it, but i think in a Negative way. we can take so much death and destruction before we become numb to it. as i can guess, everyone at this forum plays morrowind. well, there is plenty of violence there, not as much as in gta however. well, then how come there are people who dont care about real death because they've become so used to fake death? Well, that and what you said too, is all connected. its unreal. a nation immune to the mourning of an individual, because they have seen it happen a million times, realistic or otherwise.
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i see your point on the video games.


several games which the OFLC tried to ban due to violence were for a reason, they didnt want children playing these games when they have a easy access to pornography and how to make explosives over the internet, theres alot of stupid choices out there, but now everyones turning against games, back then it was TV now its games.

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From my perspective, the danger is that people in real life become like people in games. I don't mean friends and family but those in another country. So what if 1000 innocent Iraqi's are killed in a war they are just expendable NPCs in the 'game' of world politics. We dehumanise them and in the end become dehumanised. It is one of the reasons why I don't play as an evil character in any games and avoid those that are basically hack and slash.
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good point, look at diablo 2, it slightly calls out "i can die in 50trillion hits"...well...maybe that wasnt such a good example, but a fine one would have to be Ethnic Clensing, i mentioned it in my topic about ideas from movies taken into games and other grim and frostbitten stuff, anyway, this game was built around the idea of killing arabic people, dressed as a klu klucks klan member, and at the end, you get to kill martin luther king or whatever his name was, im terrible with names, but if this game were released for more than half a year, many kids would think its normal to beat up black people, which is where racism comes in, but im going to avoid that to stay on topic, ive noticed many horror/splatstick/gore films are a great target as well, kill kill kill, and what do you know, we have columbine all over the world according to the OFLC (well...it was taken out of context)...actually, all you need to do is watch Bowling For Columbine, its kinda anti-american stuff in a sence of how easy it is to shoot someone in america, but its the most truthful film one can ever watch.
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Video-games do not cause violent behavior, and I WILL KILL ANYONE WHO SAYS OTHERWISE :P .


The above is me pretending to be a hypocrit, it is nothing more than a joke. The following is dead serious.


Honestly, I think video-games do not cause violent behavior in people. Instead, it is my belief that they foster already existing violent tendencies. For example: I am, unfortunately, rather numb to the suffering of others. During September 11, 2001, as I watched the towers burn, the main thought passing through my brain was "Cool fire, I like fires," with absolutely no thought about the people burning in said fire. I can assure you this is not the because of videogames, just an unfortunate character flaw. Because of that flaw, playing violent video-games requires me to do a reality-check after I am done playing, a killing spree will not ensue if I don't, rather I become somewhat rude to other people, sometimes hurting their feelings. There is no particular position that I am taking on the matter, I just know that while it is possible for me to enjoy violent video-games and control myself afterwards, others do not have that ability.

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In my opinion, violent behavior comes from the people themselves, not videogames. I'll use myself as an example. I have no problem playing video games that are full of violence, without a reality check. I'll never go kill anyone or steal from anyone. I am doing boxing, and I find that I just can't hit a less experienced opponent hard (during training). So I believe that videogame violence has no effect on my behavior. As Adrian Laguna said, for other people it is different.
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well, maybe i didnt say enough, but mainly, and i didnt mention it, its always the parents fault, which is why whenevr a kid goes around decapitated people with a grim and frostbitten hacking knife of the necrodeathwizards triumphant death walk, the parents go "oh no, its my fault...no, its games!"

many parents are stupid enough to not blame theimselves, when i was younger, i assumed i could walk up to my brother and knock him down in two hits, i was wrong, and my parents admitted not being careful enough, the parents should explain the games to their kids, instead of letting the retards run around at night with grim and frotstbitten knives of the northernmost fjord of oiandoflkznxovuihoekngosnogsndgsh.

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