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Ck - How to create a new landscape


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Hey guys.

First of all, i am rly new to modding (although i built maps for CS years ago ^^). Atm i just want to create a new landscape, not a room or something.


So how can I actually do that? Cause i rly like shaping landscapes and perhaps I will use it later, or give it away. With the existing "Tamriel" for example, its no problem to modifie the ground, built new plateaus, fill the space with stuff, etc.

But I just dont know how to start and i dont want to load an existing file of Skyrim (like Tamriel itself for example), but start form the very beginning. Was reading through Wiki and this forum and also google didnt bring me the right results.


So I think my issue can be solved very quickly. I am very thankful for help ;)


Thx and greeting.



Edit: So its all about this i think: http://www.creationkit.com/World_Spaces


Edit2: OK i found out how it works: Edit -->Wolrd SPace -->Right CLick "New"

Edited by UnknownX12
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Seeing as how LOD isn't rendered at all, that leaves only in-game to be what I am referring to.


Again, do tell if you somehow avoid/fix the purple lod issue.

Uhm i just started with the CK, i didnt try the landscape in Skyrim, yet. Sry. But when i will try it out (perhaps tomorrow) I will report here.
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  • 2 months later...
I just read your post today as i was looking for answers to that question as well. Fortunately i have come up with that answer and it is relatively simple. Just go to World>world spaces and right click a blank spot in the list of names and hit new and name the cell. The trick is that under "parent world space" leave it as NONE, NOT Tamriel (you will still have the basic Tamriel outdoor sky backround because you created a world cell). If you leave the parent world space as Tamriel then your cell will likely be visible from Whiterun (or anywhere else in tamriel) as mine was. If the parent is "none" then the cell is its own cell and all you need to do to get into the cell is to attach a teleport capable door to the cell and the Tamriel world space (see basic tutorial on dungeon design in the CK). I see you posted this back in February so you might already know this but just in case you dont i thought id take the time to post this because it was frustrating as hell to find this out.
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Do tell if you manage to get the LOD working. All it does is display purple textures for me >_>


There's a thread on the bethesda forums about that somewhere, it involves extracting the art files as .tga's (they apparently must go in a sub directory of steam\common NOT skyrim\data\)

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  • 5 months later...

I just read your post today as i was looking for answers to that question as well. Fortunately i have come up with that answer and it is relatively simple. Just go to World>world spaces and right click a blank spot in the list of names and hit new and name the cell. The trick is that under "parent world space" leave it as NONE, NOT Tamriel (you will still have the basic Tamriel outdoor sky backround because you created a world cell). If you leave the parent world space as Tamriel then your cell will likely be visible from Whiterun (or anywhere else in tamriel) as mine was. If the parent is "none" then the cell is its own cell and all you need to do to get into the cell is to attach a teleport capable door to the cell and the Tamriel world space (see basic tutorial on dungeon design in the CK). I see you posted this back in February so you might already know this but just in case you dont i thought id take the time to post this because it was frustrating as hell to find this out.




Thank you!


Just the answer I need been looking for ages for a solution to my prob, And bamm done! just like that..


Thank you!

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