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Everything posted by Vandrath

  1. Ok thanks, I baked my normals with the default Xnormal settings and was just curious. Things brings up another question of mine. If the light looks inverted in game do i have to invert both the x and y channels or just one for the light to be cast correct? The reason i ask this is because im using Mudbox as well and taking advantage of its Bump map to normal map feature and I noticed that Mudbox's normals are inverted in the Skyrim engine. Is the solution to this problem to simply invert the channels or is it something else that im not seeing?
  2. As it says in the title, I am looking for the swizzle coordinates that Skyrims game engine uses for normal maps. In Xnormal they are called swizzle co-ords but im not sure if that terminology is used in other 3d programs like 3ds Max or Maya. If anyone knows, please let me know.
  3. Looks great, and brings back so many memories of Wow, BC and WOTLK. To make it look more Skyrim-esq I would suggest adding a little damage to each of the spikes and a few more soft scratches to the base shield. Now... I must go before my nostalgia consumes me.
  4. Recently I have learned the basics of 3d modeling using Blender 2.6 and like a lot of others I am having trouble with UV unwrapping. I have a few models that are textured and near release but I feel that I am missing some concept when it comes to minimizing stretch when unwrapping. I realize that you cannot have complete perfection on a model for texturing but you can control where the stretching is. My problem is just that, the stretching. Keep in mind that the methods I am about to describe are used in Blender 2.6 and are not perfect. In Blender what matters most when gauging stretch, area or angle stretch or do they both matter to a certain extent? When using a checkered map do ALL the checkers have to be perfectly square for there to be no stretching in a given area? When viewing Skyrim models imported to blender as .OBJ there is a fair amount of UV stretching in certain spots. Is this so the model can have equilibrium where a design is present? and stretching where low detailed areas are? If anyone could provide some insight into this or some good tutorials on reduced stretching it would be a massive help.
  5. When your mesh is in Nifskope you must right click the actual mesh model or right click the Nitrishape block. "Mesh" should the the third option from the top. There should be another sub-menu for the mesh option and "face normals" should be 4th from the top. As you suggested, when I looked at the model with the hood removed the problem became clear. Bethesda's 3d models for Skyrim do not have inside faces thus making one side of the model appear transparent. The reason for this (im assuming) is memory efficiency, since there is no need to see the inside of the model then why bother adding it. If the hood is removed then there is nothing to hide the inside of the mask, thus revealing the transparent side you saw in game. The fix for this is to load it into a 3d modeling program (in your case 3ds max) and make faces for the transparent side. This will mean re importing the part of the model you have redone into the game.<br>
  6. Check your Normal Map. I had a problem with a black mesh in game an it turned out my Normal map was messed up. While your at it check your Environment/specular map (if your mesh requires one) as well just to rule it out as an issue.<br><br>I also had a problem with Transparent Faces on one of my meshes once. To fix this you can do one of two things<br><br>First, In nifskope got to "Mesh" then hit "Face normals"<br><br>If that doesnt work then<br><br>Second, go into your 3d modeling program and recalculate the normals from there then re import<br><br>For Blender the way to do this is (in the 3d view window while in edit mode) select your entire mesh then go to Mesh, Normals, Recalculate in/outside. I do not know this process in Maya or 3dsmax but a google search should show you how.<br>
  7. Factions. By your description of the issue it sounds like that's the problem. If you are creating a new actor and not using a template faction then it will have no faction until you either create one or assign one. When you assign one you also have to set the faction to an enemy of the Player Faction and a friend/ally to its own faction (the one you created). Here is a link to the CK's Faction page. http://www.creationkit.com/Faction
  8. I gave the concept of unwrapping the blade in two parts a thought, but then remembered I had tried to texture one of Skyrims blades like that and it didn't turn out too well. Ill try resizing it and see how it goes. Thanks!
  9. I am VERY new to 3d modeling and currently learning on Blender 2.4 (and as of a couple hours ago 2.6). Currently I am facing the very frustrating issue of texture stretching. I have tried subdividing the stretched parts to no avail and rearranging the edges . I have absolutely no idea how remedy this. Countless days of searching have turned up no solution for me. Its got to be the way I am doing things but im at a loss here. So how to you 3d artists handle texture stretching? Also here are some pictures of my problem
  10. Here is a screenshot of the problem and how to get to it. Go to View and the view properties button will be the third from the bottom. Then in view properties make sure "Solid Tex" is activated. That is how i duplicated the problem. As you can see certain faces are transparent on one side Edit: I found the problem. The normals were messed up and its a simple function to fix them. In edit mode, with all the faces selected (or the ones you want to fix) go to Mesh>Normals>Recalculate Inside/Outside.
  11. you could try redoing the door made from spears in a different way. Have one part of the door come down when one actor dies, then the last part when the second actor dies. This could be done in one script with 2 events. In the end making one event recognize the two deaths at once would probably be more efficient but its not the only way.
  12. In the 3d view window open up the View Properties and its the bottom left button. The button seems to show what your model would look like in nifskope or when you export it (thats what it looks like to me but im sure it has another use) . When I pressed it all the faces on my mesh went transparent on one side, and thats how my model looked in nifskope. I did (after about 3 hours) discover a way to fix this issue but im not sure if its the right way. I extruded the entire model and simply overlapped it with the original model. It fixed everything but it doubles the poly count. honestly it seems a little too simple to me.
  13. Keep in mind that i am very new to 3d modeling so i may not be describing this in the best way. Currently i am trying to get a .obj file from Blender into Nifskope. I am currently having a problem where my mesh (weapon mesh) Appears in Nifskope with some transparency when viewed from different angles. After a little digging around and pressing random buttons in Blender I found a way to duplicate my viewing problem in Blender. That method is just to press the "Solid Tex" button in the View Properties (using Blender 2.49). It looks like the draw type has something to do with it but I have no idea how to fix this. I have not found one online tutorial or forum post where this problem is present, which leads me to believe that this is a noob problem on my part.:wallbash: Please Help!!!!
  14. Try adding a texture of poo to a small rock, then scale up or down based on your needs. :biggrin: Thats the most memory effective way I can think of. when it comes to the poo texture... get creative
  15. I am looking to expand my current dungeon mod by adding 2 more dungeons, but I was wondering if after a certain amount of memory is used in an esp, will it start to act funny? By acting funny I mean CTDs, freezes, hiccups in the game, and anything else under the sun. Currently my .Esp uses around 700 Kb and after the 2 dungeons are done and everything added im expecting a max of 1.5 MB. The reason this question came up is simply because I dont want to destroy my mod or be unable to complete it due to some memory limit or other limitation in a plug-in. Also from a design and support standpoint would it be a good idea to release multiple dungeons in one .Esp?
  16. The reason your fox hunt package has an asterisk next to it is because you changed something within the package (or in this case you added the package). Its there so you can decipher what you have added and changed without opening and closing every package on the list, thus reducing the chance for wild edits. Since your time settings are set to "any" this means your package will fire when no other package needs to be run at the time (sandbox packages need to be last on the package list if they have no specific times). Depending on how many timed packages are on the wolf, that may not be all the time. You can make sure that the "use def pack list" in the Template Data section of the actor is unchecked. These default packages can sometimes conflict with the custom ones. In that case the two packages just wont run at all and any package that is lower in the hierarchy will not run. Your condition could be causing some unexpected problems as well. There isnt anything on the CK wiki describing that condition so try testing with and without them. You can also try looking at the energy portion of the package (should be a variable from 1 to 100). Here is the Wiki page where I found info on energy http://www.creationk...Sandbox_Package also try messing with the Min and Max radius. The Default on that package for the min and max looks big but its a little deceiving.
  17. You may want to try editing the faction list of the wolf. This way you can set whatever faction the fox is in to an enemy faction of your wolf's. Im not sure if the foxes are in a faction (they probably are) but in the case that they are not, just create one for the foxes. Chances are, if the wolf sees a fox it wont attack it if nothing tell it to attack. I had a problem like yours in my mod and messing with the opposing and allied factions of the given actor solved everything.
  18. How do you incorporate Mudbox into your Skyrim texturing method? Do you lay out your base textures and colors in Mudbox, then extract the image and edit it in Photoshop? I am very curious about the program and wonder if its worth it.
  19. The models and textures are all very professional looking and just overall astounding! What program do you use for your 3d modeling and texturing?
  20. I think you should do Orcish. The design hasnt been touched much since everyone wants to do there own weapon or redo the daedric or steel sets. There is a lot of potential in the orcish design if you can do a barbarian / tribal design.
  21. Thanks, for some reason i couldn't find a straight answer to the question when I researched it.
  22. I am currently having a problem with the way my texture is receiving shadows in the game. I have changed the specular power and specular strength in the .NIF itself but nothing has worked. Is this a problem with the Environment Map, the Mesh itself or a setting within the .NIF? Any help would be fantastic and appreciated. Edit: 12/6 9:50pm Disregard this post, problem found and fixed. I messed up my normal map generation and came out with a black and white normal map.
  23. I am relatively new to texturing in general and I had a question regarding texture size, such as 512, 1024, 2048, and so on. Since Skyrim uses 512x512 images, how does one Shrink a texture to get it into Skyrim? Say im using a 2048x2048 image, does the texture shrink happen in photoshop (or whatever image program used) by just changing the image size or is it something a more complex?
  24. Thank you, once again Steve40 you have helped me do something great with this mod.
  25. I am in need of a way to determine if the Player is a Vampire or not via conditions or Papyrus. I am not sure how to do this at all. any help would be awesome.
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