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Belt-Fastened Quivers and UNPB


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Running Chesko's Belt-Fastened Quivers and UNPB.


I had no problems whatsoever when I was compiling the mods and testing them out. Eventually my mod list got large enough it became clear I would need a bashed patch to sort out the leveled lists, so I installed Wrye Bash and let it create a bashed patch; I am using LOOT to sort out the load order.


Once I started using Wrye Bash, things started happening. If I installed Belt-Fastened Quivers first and let UNPB overwrite the skeleton, the game played fine but females carried their quiver on their back, not their belt. If I installed Belt-Fastened Quivers last, overwriting UNPB's skeleton, the game loads fine into the jail cell (I'm using Arthmoor's Live Another LIfe too) but the instant I go to the bed to start my new life, instant CTD.


I rebooted the computer just because, and rebuilt the bashed patch. It doesn't help. I also tried erasing the bashed patch and just running the game without it, and it still did it.


Wrye Bash also apparently had trouble integrating Smithing Perks Overhaul a couple times - I was given the vanilla smithing perk tree. It did this through a couple rebuilds of the bashed patch, then suddenly stopped having issues.


Is Wrye Bash this cantankerous for everybody? Is the bashed patch even the cause of the issues between BFQ and UNPB? I could understand if it were just the skeletons conflicting, but I ran it through the whole process of finding new mods, and it only started having problems today.

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To update:


I just used TES5Edit to clean all my mods, done entirely by the book. Reinstalled Belt-Fastened Quivers and overwrote the skeleton from UNPB. Used LOOT to sort load order, created a bashed patch with Wrye Bash.


Start game, and just trying to take off the prison clothes at the start causes a CTD - it does it in third person mode and first person mode both.


I will never understand how this game can change like this. Neither mod required any cleaning whatsoever - so they should be identical to before the cleaning. I have no idea how a given mod can work flawlessly like that and then suddenly begin causing a problem every single time. It's like the files themselves change overnight.


I wasn't going to play a female character anyway, but damn I like testing these things, and I don't understand how it consistently works with zero problems, then the next day consistently refuses to work.

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It requires you install several mods first. You may or may not already have them. Here is the list:


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You can find more information at the above link if you have any questions.

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