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CK Multiple Marriage


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Original Thread from Requests: Multiple Marriage


We Started to get to Technical for a Requests Thread.


anuther1, Elitef22 and me tried changing the "The Bonds of Matrimony" [RelationshipMarriage] to make it work.


I did a humourous Diary style log, that is below.


in CK its under Character / Quests / Relationship.


related Scripts

all in Data\scripts\source

1: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakU_0007431b.psc

2: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakCourti_00074793.psc

3: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakFIN_00021382.psc

4: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakWeddin_0007404E.psc

5: RelationshipMarriageQuestScript.psc

6: RelationshipMarriageSpouseHouseScript.psc

7: RelationshipMarriageWeddingScript.psc

8: SF_RelationshipMarriagePostWe_0007D3A9.psc

9: SF_RelationshipMarriageWeddin_00074791.psc


Key seems to be the Editor ID MarriageCourtingFaction (probbably the same as FactionID 00019809) Only has ID 0007431A in CK.


2: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakCourti_00074793.psc

line 97: Quest Property RelationshipMarriage Auto

line 101: Keyword Property RelationshipMarriageKeyword Auto

line 107: Keyword Property WeddingQuestKeyword Auto

line 109: Faction Property MarriageCourtingFaction Auto


4: QF_RelationshipMarriageBreakWeddin_0007404E.psc

line191: Game.GetPlayer().AddtoFaction(PlayerMarriedFaction)


We are pretty sure that Player Variable 03 (changed by Amulet of Mara is relevant, but easily solved by GetItem ReligiousMaraLove = 1) is important but not sure how relevant.


My Journal Entries:


Journal: Missadventures in Harem Modding day 3


Taking the supposely easier way out I decided to change the Bonds of Matrimony, after several crashes due to direkt script manipulation I tried to do the whole modding in CK.


Deleting any Quest Stage references brought no result until I reset the Quest. Which lost me my wife, but if it worked I could just remarry her.


After a small try I married Ysolda, only to run into Farsted (I think) and managing to get a new wedding promise from her.


Checking back in on Ysolda (on a hunch) she too wanted to remarry me ... must have deleted one too many references to stages, or I have to add a reference to PlayerMarriedFaction. as an and or reference.


Damn Thing has me scratching my head.


Maybe if I make the whole thing ignore the first quest? And how do I get the thing working again IF someone already married once before and the quest is over?


Journal: Missadventures in Harem Modding day 3.5


Did a roll back, wanted to get some clean code again.


realized that for some reason I have 12 new scripts in the folder. Trying to correlate timestamp to changes I did in the quest. But Why would a mercenery Quest Script change when I mod Bonds of Marriage?


instead of deleting Stage references set them up as a or Reference. Stage 100 means you are married. to bypass the Stop() from stage 100 I deleted it and set my quest to 100 again.


Managed to Marry another girl, but didn't get house and cooking dialogue from it, also other girls don't flirt any more. Must have missed a condition or two somewhere. First check made me delete SetObjectiveComplete(20,1), which would be the end wedding message.


Maybe having two lover confuses the game, if yes, how do I bypass that?


Was too tired, went to bed.


Journal: Missadventures in Harem Modding day 4


tried changing a few minor things in the wedding script. resetting the quest by console gave a result. however even the loop back setstage(10) I added at stage 100 didn't help.


I probably need to change the SetObjective(20,1) to display objective.


I wonder why I never get the living and moving in dialogue from the girls ...


Changing a few more snippets, needs more work still.


Last Posts from the Thread

Through my tinkering with the relationship quests this past week I'd gotten stuck exactly where you are Migele. Second spouse does not give the choose house dialogue and relationshipFIN quest gets stuck. I want to see what variable are set to in the save file. Does anyone know of a .ess reader that can open skyrim save files? The old oblivion one will not.



Through my tinkering with the relationship quests this past week I'd gotten stuck exactly where you are Migele. Second spouse does not give the choose house dialogue and relationshipFIN quest gets stuck. I want to see what variable are set to in the save file. Does anyone know of a .ess reader that can open skyrim save files? The old oblivion one will not.


getrelationshiprank <target> only lists rank. I know that only married are supposed to have rank 4 (lover) but you probably need the Faction IDs as well.


there was a reason I wanted to make a new quest for this. maybe I still will. but I spent so much time on this that I am giving it time until tomorrow.


we should get someone move this topic to Troubleshooting. it is getting to technical for request.


That is how far we got.


I tried to change references to QuestStage, deleting references to QuestStage, setting is up as an OR function or looping back from stage 100 to 15.

Nothing worked.


So please help.

Edited by migele
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So this is what I have figured out additionally so far. The quest RelationshipMarriageFIN does not allow the use of setstage for stages 0, 5, and 10. Those are of course, the most vital stages. You can't use reset quest either, because reset of course undo's everything that was previously done by the script. So boom goes your first marriage if you do. I'm currently trying to figure out how to edit the stages to be able to be set through the setstage command. If I can't, I'll probably try writing a new quest script for the finish quest that is repeatable and is used only if the player has already married once already. Edited by EliteF22
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Well I tried to get past that by creating a new Faction in CK. for some reason I have not found out (and I did add names) whenever I try compiling something with the new "PlayerMarriedPolygamyFaction" I get an error.


I'll try to look how radiant quests are made (apart of being much simpler) so they are repeatable.

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Well, things don't look good. For a marriage to remain active, the FIN quest must remain active too. The quest only shuts down and actually finishes when your spouse dies. So I'm trying to find out if there is a way to have multiple instances of a quest script running.
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Multiple Marriage


looks like creator didn't get past the console problem.


multiple instances of a script running. off the head I don't think so, however a workaround could be one script applying to several characters (like the follower one). Instead of LoverAlias change it to RelationshipRank 4?


Need to go to work, if it hasn't been tried, I'll look over it once I'm home.

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Journal: Missadventures in Harem Modding days 5&6


Did some more fiddling with and or conditions, once resetting the Bonds of Marriage leads to some results. They do recognize the Amulet of Mara, and want to marry, and I keep the wife.


Still can't make the RelationShipWeddingFIN get to work (for all those not informed yet, the food, living, and so on)


The next day I tried sidestepping the Issue by creating a new Faction.


The scripts don't compile, in my frustration I stopped, took a breather, and finished the main quest. And got a headache since I am supposed to assassinate the Emperor. (It was funny sitting there and see them bicker, though I really hope for a Black sacrament for Ulli).


Creating a new Faction is NOT as easy as it seems, create in CK and adding a few names does not work.


So scripts don't compile and I get errors all the time.


IF I can get this to work, a one time reset for the RelationshipMarriage should be enough for future Polygamy.

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  • 2 months later...
Is there an easy way to get non-marriage npc's to become marriage prospects? I'm trying to mod Hroki's files to do so, but it doesn't seem to run the dialogue when wearing the amulet. Good luck on your experiment, I hope it works. I have 5 houses, why not have 5 wives!
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  • 2 weeks later...

It works with the latest multiple marriage mod :


goto to mara's temple and check the 2 spellbooks in front of the entrance on the altar.

the first spell = target anyone

a menu appears and you marry her/him directly


when you are in your home use the second spell

choose the right spouse and poom she/he appears there !


However there's a bug and you cannot play longer since the game crashes.

I wait for a fixed solution since this mod is crazy !!

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