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I'm looking for info for one particular mod relating to the companion command system. Previously I was able to issue hold/follow command to companions when the crosshair is centered on them using the R key where the HUD showed "(E) Command ( R) Hold" or "(E) Command ( R) Follow" depending on whether I've already ordered the companion to hold position or not.


After a recent slew of updates made to my mod list which I'm not sure which one got overridden, the command interface for companions has changed to the standard one - only the "(E) Command" is available. I've tried re-installing mods which I thought were relevant but no luck so far.


Does anyone here know which mod is it that effects/enables the "(E) Command ( R) Hold/Follow" change to the interface? Due to the change, I'm currently using Companion Command and Tactics for the time being but I prefer the one which I used previously.


Alternatively, if I have to manually change the HUD interface to show the ® option, which file should I edit for that ( R) key option to be available/visible again on the HUD?

Edited by volrath77
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Hello from Greece. if you use the unlimited companions, mod, then, you can use the R, if with dialog, the companion don't want, to follow. The R using from another mod, that push away, the companions, so make sure, don't use, that mod, if you want to have, more companions. i don't know about HUD interface. i hope i help. Thanks.

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Hello from Greece. if you use the unlimited companions, mod, then, you can use the R, if with dialog, the companion don't want, to follow. The R using from another mod, that push away, the companions, so make sure, don't use, that mod, if you want to have, more companions. i don't know about HUD interface. i hope i help. Thanks.


Hi number72. Unlimited Companion mod? Do you mean this one - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3605/?


Does it change the normal '(E) Command' into 'E) Command R) Hold/Follow'? Is that what you mean? Hmm...I can't remember if I've installed this previously but removed it after I started using Better Companions mod. Going from this pic though, it doesn't seem to be the case - https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/1151/images/3605-0-1461185222.jpg


Thanks for the suggestion though.

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