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TUTORIAL: Adding/Replacing Music with the Creation Kit


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Hi Jimmy. If the load order really is the issue here, and I am still not 100% that this is the root of our problems, then perhaps there is a way to change the FormID of our music. If we can edit that, change the 01 to something more desirable, perhaps we can tell Skyrim to look where we need it to.


Also, help me out with this one, I have something new. I just opened up my music mod, and looked at my imported music tracks again. When i right-click and go into edit, the Choose File path where we select where to find our custom tracks is blank. There should be a filepath directory there, but it apparently has not saved. Is this happening for anyone else? Because this is pretty clearly a problem for me, when Skyrim goes to load up my music, it has no idea where to look for the song on my hard drive.


I noticed the missing path issue you are talking about also, if you look at all the other single tracks they don't have paths either. Although, I've yet to be able to open a plugin and re-save it without the creation kit crashing on me when doing a music mod. Looking at the wiki page for load order, it seems pretty straight forward like it has with previous games. As long as the dependencies load first, if there is ever a conflict, last loaded wins. http://www.creationkit.com/Data_Files


So yeah, load order really shouldn't be an issue, but try moving your custom music mod to load first after the master files and see what happens.


EDIT: AND crap...on a side note the reason my mod keeps crashing creation kit when i try to save it, is because of this issue with a blank file path. If you follow my steps and create a music mod, save it, and then close the creation kit. Then load that same plugin back into the creation kit and try to save it, the creation kit will crash because the file path is blank. I think it's safe to say we've uncovered a number of bugs in the creation kit.

Edited by jimmycalhoun
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...Although, I've yet to be able to open a plugin and re-save it without the creation kit crashing on me when doing a music mod...



Every time I go to edit my previous music mods, the kit hangs upon saving. Yesterday i gave it more than a half-hour in the hopes it was simply taking its sweet time, but no luck. I end up starting from scratch each time i want to try something new.


Do you think the File Path issue is causing us trouble? Someone earlier on said they had some success with actually getting some custom music playing by manipulating load order, but I have yet to have any success with anything. I will continue to brainstorm as I have been, perhaps pooling our ideas will eventually lead to something significant.

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...Although, I've yet to be able to open a plugin and re-save it without the creation kit crashing on me when doing a music mod...



Every time I go to edit my previous music mods, the kit hangs upon saving. Yesterday i gave it more than a half-hour in the hopes it was simply taking its sweet time, but no luck. I end up starting from scratch each time i want to try something new.


Do you think the File Path issue is causing us trouble? Someone earlier on said they had some success with actually getting some custom music playing by manipulating load order, but I have yet to have any success with anything. I will continue to brainstorm as I have been, perhaps pooling our ideas will eventually lead to something significant.


I have been having this problems too, it can't save correctly a loaded plugin... I have researched quite a bit, and there is not too much information about this :( I even created a blank plugin, saved, reloaded and when saving again it crashed, even without chnging anything...

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I have been having this problems too, it can't save correctly a loaded plugin... I have researched quite a bit, and there is not too much information about this :( I even created a blank plugin, saved, reloaded and when saving again it crashed, even without chnging anything...


I figured out why this happens. When you reload the plugin check your music track's you added and notice the path is now blank. If you re-select your file and try to save it should work. Of course this isn't a fix by any means. I think we'll have to wait for an update to the creation kit to resolve this issue.

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I think the missing file path is definitely a bug. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1347249-unofficial-creation-kit-bug-list-2/


I think they meant to say wav files disappear on reload, because as far as i can tell there's no way to select xwm files.


Adding new music tracks is broken. The CK only accepts .wav files, despite the fact that the game only plays .xwma files. Attempting to add .xwma files in the CK causes them to disappear on reload.

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Funnily enough, the skyrim esm has .wav file paths for the music which is very strange as we all know it reads xwm files from the BSA's. (I tried adding xwm to a bsa and loading that with a wav in the plugin, but with no avail.) Bethesda should probably be taking notes. they seemed to do for skyrim with the 4gb patch and the pc optimization which modders did first.
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Soo. Is bethesda actively fixing bugs/taking bug reports? And is there a way to add new xma files? I get the feeling im just going to have to wait for a fix on this one.


Well for now, i think the work around is to move your custom music plugin to load first after the esm's and then anytime you want to make a change to the plugin, ie adding a new track to a music type, you will need to repoint all of your custom music tracks to the appropriate wav file.

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Have you had success with the load order thing? I tried but still crashed after a few seconds of walking around solitude. I will try again tonight. I also plan on creating a separate plugin for each playlist, so i can change explore and town and battle independently


Yes but I'm doing just a single plugin for all of my custom music, haven't tried multiple custom music plugins. With a single custom music plugin, from what I have seen from my tests and what alasdairhurst has described, i would say yes we have had success with load order.

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