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I need a way to force a package on a certain npc


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Hey everyone,


I've run into some problems when creating my own follower. I made a "followplayer" package that makes sure my follower follows me. I also created a quest to make sure my follow has the needed dialogue. However, I don't know how to make sure that "followplayer" package activates on the follower when I use a "follow me" dialogue option. What's the easiest way to script this? This would make things so much more easier.


Thanks for helping =)

Edited by Yeojj
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So this is what I tried in a nutshell (but didn't work):


I created a quest, which contains the dialogue "Follow me". Upon ending the dialogue, I use the following script fragment: (GetOwningQuest() as Sabretoothquestfollow).Follow()

The script I made is the following:

Scriptname Sabretoothquestfollow extends Quest Conditional

ReferenceAlias Property Sabretoothalias Auto
Quest Property DialogueFollowerSabretooth Auto
Actor Property Sabretooth Auto

Function Follow()


So all it does, is set the stage of that quest to 10.


I put the followplayer package on the follower I created. As a condition of that package I used that the quest DialogueFollowerSabretooth should be in stage 10, with the GetStage condition.


I also made sure in the "scripts" tab at the quest information, the scripts I used were added.


Shouldn't this do the job? I have 2 stages in the quest, 10 and 400. Is there some way the quest has to be activated before it works? I ticked the options "Start Game Enabled" and "Allow Repeated Stages".


Anyone else knows something I can do?



Edited by Yeojj
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I narrowed the problem down to the script I'm using. When I manually change the state of the quest through the console, the follower will actually follow me. So the problems is changing the stage of the quest easily. Would it be possible to just type (questname).setstage(10) in the end papyrus fragment script?
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