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Realistic Overhaul


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Some issues i personally didnt liked much in Skyrim and would like to see them fixed/addreseed in an overhaul...


Normal enemies are too weak even on master difficulty ,but if u go on master mode Bosses are too strong with huge life bars and therefore instead fight them in nice battles u have to run around and wait for him attack run back and hit and repeat which ofc is an exploit to the ai and not a nice fight as it should be.

Varried lvl range of the enemies around your lvl should fix that problem ( example if u r lvl 15 enemies and u meet a bandid ,he could be 12-20) to give a variety and little addrenaline in the game so u wont know exactly how strong is each opponent.Something similar to OOO oscuro oblivion overhaul for those that played it and remember.


2handed weapons dmg seemed to me way more powerfull than 1hand +shield or duelwield. Every time i meet a hard opponent and i equip shield+1hand weap and die,after i load i just equip a 2 handed and cut him in pieces and keep in mind i have talents invested only in 1 handed weapons.This need fixing to keep a balance beetween 1h+shield and 2 handed weaps so it would require some thought what to use depending on enemies.

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