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Follower 'Friendly Fire' Problem


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Hey all,


I am currently having an issue with my fully voiced follower, most everything works well, I am having a problem right now with the 'Friendly Fire' dialogue... the dialogue I have made DOES play, however occasionally my NPC will use the other dialogues that are assigned to the vanilla voice types.


I realized that this could be fixed by removing my NPC's voicetype from the 'DefaultNPCVoiceTypes' formlist. However if I do that my NPC will not activate dialogue at all, as it's set in 'DefaultNPCVoiceTypes' for use in the 'DialogueFavorGeneric' Quest Topic "I need you to follow me.".


I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm heading towards an impasse, where I almost need to completely need to re-work how all my dialogue is applied to my NPC using my own 'Quests' for dialogue topics, but I tell you.... I REALLY don't want to do that, and I suspect there IS a way to fix this with how things are right now. (I actually tried to do this before and I couldn't make it work for some fault of my own no doubt.)


Here are some examples of the material that could be suspect....








I hope this information is useful for anyone who'd like to assist me. Also, THANKS LARGELY to anyone who even reads this even. Please, if anyone would like to give me some insight and require some more information or my .esp to investigate, either reply here or PM me, whichever suits your fancy.


Thank you all for your time.



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