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need help altering combat animations


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In the elder scrolls Skyrim


ive been trying to find the settings that control character movement when swinging weapons. i suspect if i can find the animation events to tweak them i can make the combat much more fluid and fun all together. :) so any ideas anyone has will be appreciated



i HATE the current combat movement, i dont like being locked into a movement only to have my enemy move a little and i miss with like 3 attacks because the game wont let me move my character while hes attacking.


also im kind of an erratic personality so ill be on here and then i wont and then i will again. so sorry about that in advance

Edited by oldnotweak
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If it's "Anim Events" than it's hidden in the bahavior files (graph). And those can't be changed. At least noone knows how to do it right now.


The only thing you can do is modifying the animations itself. But I don't think that would fix this problem.

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