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Help a Modder with his Mod Castle Albanna and Leala


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Hello All,


So I am a beginner of sorts with CK, but I am learning fast. I am in the middle of my mod Player home and follower mod "Castle Albanna".


I am making good progress but I do run into problems, I have been using the ask a quick question get a quick answer thread (and some great help there), but I feel at times a am dominating or high jacking the thread. So I thought I would ask my question here, and those few modders helping me would follow me here.



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How do I make an NPC cast a spell on herself, I would like something like the Vampire Bat or a flash then teleport her to an Xmarker in the same cell.

I have an AI package move her to a location (xmarker) in front of an alter, there I want her to cast a spell and make it look like she teleported away.


Currently on the end of the AI Package, (after she has completed her walk) I have this script.

;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname PF_NGIJ_LealaLeavePackage_0412A19E Extends Package Hidden

Function Fragment_3(Actor akActor)
Debug.MessageBox("end of Stage 40")

;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment 

I do receive the message box end of stage 40.

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It would be easier to use an cast type of AI package: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Procedure_UseMagic

So you would make a travel package where she paths to the desired destination, and then cast on herself.

Alternatively if that is too difficult/complicating, you can instead use an OnPackageEnd event on the reference alias and have the spell cast from a source


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It would be easier to use an cast type of AI package: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Procedure_UseMagic


So you would make a travel package where she paths to the desired destination, and then cast on herself.


Alternatively if that is too difficult/complicating, you can instead use an OnPackageEnd event on the reference alias and have the spell cast from a source




so your saying have 2 AI packages

Travel package

then UseMagic package


II am trying that but the UseMagic does not kick off and I can't seem to get the stage to change. Let me work on it more.

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Great altering a AI package to do both travel and useMagic worked! Now she goes where she is suppose to does a spell animation and I have been able to add into the script moveto that works.

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Question what is wrong with this script?

Scriptname NGIJ_DoorCounter extends ObjectReference

Int InTrigger = 0

auto State waiting

Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference akTriggerRef)
	if akTriggerRef == Game.GetPlayer()
			InTrigger += 1
			debug.notification("Entered Trigger")
       if (InTrigger >2)
		if (NGIJMeetingLealaQuest.GetStageDone(40))
  			Debug.MessageBox("second time enter quest over 40!")


State allDone
	;do nothing


Quest Property NGIJMeetingLealaQuest  Auto

What it is to do is count how many times the player enters the door (this is a trigger box , over a teleport door marker. Once it count up pass 2 and it check that the quest has completed stage 40... I want this counter to stop "endstate".


It works as far as counting, but the issue is after the player enters for the 3rd or MORE times and the quest has been completed at stage 40... anything I add or tell it to do @ Debug.MessageBox("second time enter quest over 40!") line, such as spawn giant or something . It will do over and over I thought the "wait State" thing would work.



UPDATE NEVER MIND I worked it out.

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OK in stage 30 I have :

This works fine, but looks odd in game. The enable and disable changes the room/ hall area lighting by enabling more and disabling a few of the low lights (it's the point she accepts the player).
What my question is how can I get her to snap her fingers or a quick cast one handed spell , (just need the animation) ? I can write a script piece into the quest stage (with the above script) or maybe in the dialogue or something else???
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